Schimper names (Scientific or common) | | Modern Botanical name and reference | Family Name | Other European names | Ethiopian name given by Schimper | Modern amarhian or tigrinic version | link to Schimper Herbarium | Link to other internet sites |
Brassica carinata A. Br in FEE Vol. 2(1): 121, 124 (2000) |
Brassicaceae |
Abyssinian mustard ( |
Senafitsch - Schimper Name |
senafç (Amh& Tya in FEE Vol. 2(1): 121, 124, 517 (2000)), the same vernacular name is also used for Brassica nigra Brassica nigra (L.) Koch |
Abutilon |
Abutilon Mill. |
Malvaceae |
Acacia arabica |
Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Del. In Flora of Ethiopia vol. 3: 86 (1989). Acacia arabica is considered a synonym in ( |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Acacia nilotica (gum arabic tree, Babul/Kikar, Egyptian thorn, Sant tree, Al-sant or prickly acacia (Eng) (; Aflo (Saho); ……………………….Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 602 (1989) |
Tscha, Gaja Tscha (Schimper Name) |
ceä (Tya);; qeres (Tre) in Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 602 (1989) | |
Acacia campylacantha | |
Acacia polyacantha Willd. Subsp campylacantha (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.) Brenan in Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 81 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Worrworr (Schimper Name) |
Worrworr - Schimper Name |
Gmarda (Amh): Gwmero (Tya) in Flora of Etrhiopia Vol. 3: 603 (1989) |
Acacia gyrocarpa | |
? Acacia albida Del. In FEE Vol. 3: 84 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
apple-ring acacia (Eng) |
Memmena (Schimper Name) |
äqba (Tre), garsha (Tya), gerbi (Amh), momona (Tya), in FEE Vol. 3: 602 (1989); mammene, memmenna, memmenä (Tya) in Cuf. Enum. Plant. Aeth. Sperm. 25(2: 207 (1955) |
Acacia heterophylla |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Acacia Lahai | |
Acacia lahai Steud.& Hochst. ex Benth. in FEE Vol. 3: 79, 82, 85 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Lahai - Schimper Name |
Lahay (Tya) |
Acacia sanguinea (with reddish-violet elongated groups of flowers) | |
Acacia venosa Hochst. ex Benth. In FE Vol.3: 81 (1989) with A. sanguinea Hochst. ex A. Rich. (1847) as a synonym- |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Gandabi (Gandawi) - Schimper Name |
qentbi (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 79, 82, 85, 603 (1989) |
Acacia spirocarpa | |
A. tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne Subsp. spirocarpa (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.] Brenan in FE Vol. 3: 87 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Tscha - Schimper Name |
No such name similar to Schimper's name in in FE Vol. 3: 87, 603 (1989). However çeă Tya) is a generic name for the genus Acacia as is Grar in Amharic |
Acacia stenocarpa | |
Acacia seyal Del. Var. seyal in FE Vol. 3: 86 (1989) with A. stenocarpa Hochst. ex A. Rich. |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
shittim (Eng) in FE Vol. 3: 86, 603 (1989) |
Tscha - Schimper Name |
çeă , qeyyh-çeă,sa'da-çeă (Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 86, 603 (1989) |
Acacia species | |
Acacia etbaica Schweinf. in FE Vol. 3: 88 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Serow in Tyaray - Schimper Name |
seraw (Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 88, 602 (1989) |
Acacia species (immediately recognizable as a distinct species through its very dark green foliage |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Durmo Tscha - Schimper Name (Durmo is related to Dur a word which denotes closely standing together woody plants, that is forest-like areas.] The bark is black-brown) |
Acacia species | |
Acacia seyal Del. Or A. Sieberiana DC. in FE Vol. 3: 86, 602, 603 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Zada Tscha (which means White Tscha) |
sa'da-çeă (Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 86, 602, 603 (1989) is used both for Acacia seyal Del. and A. Sieberiana DC. |
Achyrocline |
Helichrysum Mill. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 163 (2004) Most species ofAchyroline species in Ethiopia have been transferred to Helichrysum in FEE Vol. 4(2): 168, 171, 172, 175 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Subhinadai - Schimper Name (Subhinadai is the name of small bubbles which form on the surface when boiling wax or butter) |
Mabberley's plant-book, 8 (2008) |
Acrolophus bib[r]acteata |
In botany, Acrolophus is a section of Centaurea in Asteraceae (, (but not mentioned in FEE Vol. 4(2): 38-42 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Adansonia digitata |
Adansonia digitata L. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 186,188, 189 (1995) |
Bombacaceae |
baobab, Ethiopiansourgourd, juda's bag, mookey bread (Eng.) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 186,188, 189, 419 (1995) |
Dimma - Schimper Name |
dima, diza( Amh), bamba (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 186,188, 189, 419 (1995) |
Adenostemma schimperi | |
Adenostemma caffrum FEE Vol. 4(2): 346 (2004) Adenostemma schimperi Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. |
Asteraceae |
Adiantum Capillus Veneris |
Adiantum capillus-veneris L. in FEE Vol. 1: 79-80 (2009) |
Adiantaceae |
Black Maiden Hair, Southern Maiden Hair, Venus' Hair (Eng) (FEE Vol. 1: 299 (2009) |
Aeschynomene Schimperii | |
Aeschynomene schimperi Hochst. ex A. Rich. in FE Vol. 3: 144, 145 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
||||| |
Carissa spinarum L. 4(1): 90 |
Apocynaceae |
Agam - Schimper Name |
agam (Amh); 'agam (Tya) in FEE 4(1): 90, 333 (2003) |
Agrocharis melantha | |
Agrocharis melanantha Hochst. In FEE Vol. 4(1): 13 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
Ajah - Schimper Name. (The wood is popular for shotgun barrels) |
Aira |
Aira in FEE Vol. 7: 37 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Alchemilla cryptantha | |
Alchemilla cryptantha A. Rich. in FE Vol. 3: 39 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Alchemilla pedata |
Alchemilla pedata A. Rich. in FE Vol. 3: 38, 39 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Alchemilla |
Alchemilla L. in FE Vol. 3: 37 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Aloe soccotrina |
Aloaceae |
Aloe species (4 species) | |
There are a number of species of Aloe that occur in northern Ethiopia as recorded in FEE Vol. 6 (1997), for example, Aloe elegans Tod. (p. 129), Aloe percrassa Tod. (p.126), Aloe steudneri Schweinf. (p. 126), A. trichosantha Berger (p. 119) with a gneric name äray, 're (Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 549 (1997) |
Aloaceae |
Arra (or Erréh) - Schimper Name |
äray, 're (Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 549 (1997 |
Attkarro - Schimper Name |
Allium cepa L. in FEE Vol. 6: 150-151 (1997) |
Alliaceae |
bulb onion(Eng.) in FEE Vol. 6: 549 (1997) |
Tyaraic: Gajeh Schungurti, Amharic: Gai-Schungurt - - Schimper Name |
qey shnkurt (Amh), qeyh shgurti (Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 549 (1997) |
Alliium sativum L. FEE 6: 154 (1997) |
Alliaceae |
clown's tracle, garlic (Eng) in FEE Vol. 6: 549 (1997) |
Tyaraic name Zada Schungurti, Amharic Name: Netsch Schungurt - - Schimper Name |
neç shnkurt (Amh), ša'da shgurti (Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 549 (1997) |
Alopecurus |
Alopecurus L. in FEE Vol. 7: 52 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Althaea officinalis |
Althaea officinalis (marshmallow, marsh mallow, orcommon marshmallow) is a species indigenous toAfrica, which is used as a medicinal plant and ornamental plant ( -Not recorded n FEE. |
Malvaceae |
Engafdaha. (means Air in Amharic.) - Schimper Name |
Alsine Schimperii |
Minuartia filifolia (Forssk.) Mattf. In FEE Vol. 2(1): 211 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Alysicarpus ferruginens |
Alysicarpus ferrugineus Hochst. & Steud. ex A. Rich. In FEE Vol. 3: 153, 154 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Hambe-Hambo-baita - Schimper Name that means ground Hambe Hambo |
hambahambo-bayta (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 153, 154 & 604 (1989) |
Amaranthus |
Amaranthusgraecizans in FEE Vol. 2(1): 307 (2000) |
Amaranthaceae |
Vulgar Name: Tyaraic: Birnaheo, Amharic: Aluma - Schimper Name |
aluma (Amh.); brnyo, brnhyo adgi (Tya.) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 307, 483 (2000) |
A.[maranthus] spicatus |
Amaranthaceae |
Bīrnăhĕo - Schimper Name) |
Amaranthus caudatus? | |
Amaranthus caudatus L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 304 (2000) |
Amaranthaceae |
Ālŭma (Schimper Name) |
hamli adgi (Tya) |
amaryllis (most beautiful plants is a purple-red flowering) | |
Amaryllidaceae |
Ambaba Ambass - Schimper Name |
Ammannia elatinoides |
Ammannia L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 403 (2000), No record of Ammannia elatinos is not recoded in FEE |
Lythraceae |
Ammi majus | |
Ammi majus L. in In FEE Vol. 4(1): 25, 26 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
Ammi pauciradiatum |
Ammi majus L. in In FEE Vol. 4(1): 25 (2003) with A. pauciradiatum Hochst. ex A. Rich as a synonym |
Apiaceae |
Amyris papyrifera Del. |
Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst. In FE. Vol. 3: 443, 444 (1989) |
Burseraceae |
Anacacardiaceae |
Saoria - Schimper Name |
Anchusa | |
Anchusa L. in FEE Vol. 5: 99 (2006) |
Boraginaceae |
Andropogon | |
Andropogon L. in FEE Vol. 7: 319 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Anethum graveolens |
Anethum graveolens L. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 35, 36 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
dill (Eng) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 35, 36, 333 (2003); |
Schilan - Schimper Name |
shilan baita (Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 35, 36 (2003) |
Anacardiaceae |
Angog (a shrub in southern Abyssinia belonging to the same family of Anacardiacae – fruits like Saoria) |
Anathrosyne Abyssiniaca | |
Desmodium ospriostrebleum Steud. ex A. Rich with Anarthosyne abyssinica Hochst. ex A. Rich. As synonym in FEE Vol. 3: 151 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Annesorhiza |
Hetcromorpha arborescens (Spreng.) Cham. & Schltdl. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 18 (2003) with Annesorhiza abyssinica A. Br. |
Apiaceae |
Antro Gohela - - Schimper Name (meaning thief's trumpet). |
mirkus `zibi ((Tya); |
Anthriscus silvestris | |
Anthriscus sylvestris in FEE Vol. 4(1): 14 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
cow parsely (Eng) |
Anthemis Tyarensis | |
Anthemis tigrensis G. Gay ex A. Rich. In FEE Vol. 4(2): 229 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Arabis albida | |
Arabis alpina L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 144,145 (2000) |
Brassicaceae |
Arabis cuneifolia | |
Arabis alpina L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 144 (2000) with Arabis cuneifolia A. Rich. As a synonym |
Brassicaceae |
Fabaceae |
Argasana - Schimper Name (Both leguminous trees, Soaua and Argasana, shed their leaves periodically) |
Aralia Abyssinica | |
Schefflera abyssinica (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Harms in FE Vol. 3: 539, 617 (1989) |
Araliaceae |
Gaddem - Schimper Name |
gadam, getem (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 609 (1989) |
Arbutus |
Arbutus is a genus of at least 14 species of flowering plants in the family Ericaceae, native to warm temperate regions of theMediterranean, western Europe, and North America ( not in FEE |
Ericaceae |
Kellau - Schimper Name |
Arenaria |
Arenaria L. 2(1): 213 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Argostis |
Agrostis L. in FEE Vol. 7: 46 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Artemisia Abyssinica | |
Artemisia abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. In FEE Vol. 4(2): 222 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
cena bedbado (Tya) In FEE Vol. 4(2): 222, 395 (2004) |
Artemisia |
Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd.In FEE Vol. 4(2): 222, 223 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Nadran - Schimper Name |
natrara (Had); natiriya (Wel), atran (Gu) in Nigist Asfaw & Sebsebe Demiisew (2009) Aromatic plants of Ethiopia |
Agyrolobium remotum |
Argyrolobium rupestre (E. Mey.) Walp. subsp. remotum (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.) Polhill in FEE Vol. 3: 220 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
A.[gyrolobium] Schimperianum | |
Argyrolobium schimperianum Hochst. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 3: 221, 222 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Argyrolobium[6] |
Argyrolobium Eckl. & Zeyh. in FEE Vol. 3: 220(1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Aristolochiae |
Aristolochia FEE Vol. 2(1): 52 (2000) |
Aristolochiaceae |
Merokoa - Schimper Name |
kerid bari (Tya)for Aristolochia bracteolata (p. 54): |
Arum species |
Members of the genera Amorphophallus Blume or Arisaema Martius or Saurmatum Schott in FEE Vol. 6: 41-49) |
Araceae |
Arum species (white-flowered) | |
Arisaema eneaphyllum Hochst. ex A. Rich. In FEE Vol. 6: 46, 47 (1997) |
Araceae |
Hamba Gata] - Schimper Name |
Hambaguyta (Tya), yereñoch tila In FEE Vol. 6: 550 (1997) |
Grass species is almost twice as tall, and the diameter of the stem is often three inches. This species grows in southern Abyssinia from 8,500 to 9,500' absol[ute] height |
Aruninaria alpina K. Schum. in FEE Vol. 7: 3, 4 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Mountain Bamboo (Eng) |
Gargaha - Schimper Name |
Arqay (Tya), Meqa, Qerkeha (Am) in FEE Vol. 7: 3, 4, 400 (1995) |
Arundo donax |
Arundo donax L. In FEE Vol. 7: 66 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Giant Reed, Reed Grass (Eng) |
Schamboko - Schimper Name |
Shembaqo (Tya), Shenbeqo, Shembeqo (Amh) in FEE Vol. 7: 66, 400 (1995) |
Arundo |
Arundo donax L. In FEE Vol. 7: 66 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Giant Reed, Reed Grass (Eng) |
Schamboko - Schimper Name |
Shembaqo (Tya), Shenbeqo, Shembeqo (Amh) in FEE Vol. 7: 66, 400 (1995) |
Arundo-like species (It is found at the altitude of 4,000 up to about 6,000 feet in hot, dry mountain areas) | |
Oxythenathera abyssinica (A. Rich.) Munro in FEE Vol. 7: 5, 6 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Tyaraic Name: Argai, Amhara Name: Shemmel - Schimper Name |
Arqay (Tya), Shmel (Amh) in FEE Vol. 7: 5, 6, 404 (1995) |
Asclepiadeae |
Asclepiadaceae |
Asclepias |
Asclepiadaceae |
Harak Zaba Dummo meaning Creeper with Cat Milk (Harak, the general name of creeping and twining plants) |
Asclepias |
Asclepiadaceae |
Harak - Schimper Name |
Asclepias |
Asclepiadaceae |
Moder - Schimper Name |
Asclepias |
Asclepiadaceae |
Damàïto - Schimper Name |
Asclepias (A perennial Asclepias, of the habitus Colutea haleppica is often found on the inclined mountain slopes between 8,000 and 10,000 feet above sea level) |
Asclepiadaceae |
A.[sparagus] officinalis |
Asparagus officinalis L. in FEE Vol. 6: 73 (1997) |
Asparagaceae |
Asparagus |
Asparagus in FEE Vol. 6: 67 (1997) |
Asparagaceae |
Aspragus species (all) |
Asparagus africanus Lam. in FEE Vol. 6: 68 (1997) |
Asparagaceae |
Gasta Enesto (Gastā’Nesto) - Schimper Name |
qasta ansti (Tya), qestanca (Amh), qastanesto (Tigre) in FEE Vol. 6: 68, 550 (1997) |
Asphodelus |
Asphodelus L. in FEE Vol. 6: 114 (1997) |
Asphodelaceae |
Asphodel (white-flowering |
Asphodelaceae |
Aster-like plants (Agathaea?) |
Asteraceae |
Aster (or Agathaea?) |
Asteraceae |
Astragalus Abyssinicus | |
Astragalus atropilosus (Hochst.) Bunge Subsp. abyssinicus (Hochst.) Gillett in FEE Vol. 3: 230-231 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
hamat-kakito, tetem-ägazien (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 230, 321, 604 (1989) |
Astragalus venosus | |
Astragalus atropilosulus (Hochst.) Bunge subsp. abyssinicus (Hochst.) Gillett var. venosus (Hochst.) Gillett in FEE Vol. 3: 230,231 (1989 |
Hamat Coachata - Schimper Name |
hamat-kakito, tetem-agazien (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 230,231, 604) (1989) |
Astragalus | |
Astragalus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 230 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
A tree Attkarro takes up a large portion of the forest formed by the Juniperus and Olea in the Urahut district from 8,500 to about 10,000 feet |
Attkarro - Schimper Name |
Avena (as a weed) |
Avena sativa L. in FEE Vol. 7: 37 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Common Oat, Oat (Eng) in FEE Vol. 7: 37, 400 (1995) |
Saà - Schimper Name |
Saà (Tya) in FEE Vol. 7: 37, 400 (1995) |
Azamara trifoliata (not recorded in the FEE | |
? Bersama abyssinica Fresen. in FEE Vol. 3: 511 (1989) |
Azamir -Schimper Name |
azamr (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 511, 604 (1989) |
Azamara trifoliata |
Nawi -Schimper Name |
Balsamodendron africanum |
Commiphora africana (A. Rich.) Engl. in FEE Vol. 3: 454 (1989,) but Balsamodendron africanum is not listed as a synonym in FE. |
Oangua or Aŏngua - Schimper Name |
ănqwa (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 454, 607 (1989) |
Balsamodendron Kafat |
Commiphora ? Kataf (Forssk.) Engl. Vol. 2: 195 (1999) in Flora Somalia including Commiphora erythraea (Ehrenb.) Engl. in FE Vol. 3: 450, 452 (1989) |
Barkhausia carbonaria | |
Crepis carbonaria Sch. Bip.. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 48 (2004) as Barkhausia carbonaria (Sch. Bip.) A. Rich. As a synonym |
?Asteraceae |
Barkhausia Schultzii | |
Crepis schultzii (A. Rich) Vatke in FEE Vol. 4(2): 48 (2004) as Barkhausia schultzii Hochst. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
?Asteraceae |
Barley | |
Hordeum vulgare L. In FEE Vol. 7, 59, 403 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Barley (Eng) In FEE Vol. 7, 59, 403 (1995) |
|||| |
Grewia ferruginea Hochst. Ex A. Rich. and Grewia spp. In FEE Vol. 2(2): 145, 146 (2000) |
Tiliaceae |
Batre Musa (Shimper Name) |
betremusie(Tya) . In FEE Vol. 2(2): 145, 146, 424 (2000) |
Bauhinia Abyssinica | |
Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Redh. in FEE Vol. 3: 68 (1989) with Bauhinia abyssinica A. Rich. As a synonym. |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Celosia anthelminthica, Celosia trigyna in FEE Vol. 2(2): 300, 302 (2000) respectively |
Amaranthaceae |
Belbilda - Schimper Name |
belbelto (Amh.)- Celosia anthelminthica, Celosia trigyna in FEE Vol. 2(1): 300, 302, 493 (2000) respectively |
Berebera ferruginea | |
Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Bak. in FEE Vol. 3: 108 (1989) with Berrebera ferruginea Hochst. As a synonym |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Berebera - Schimper Name |
brbrra (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 108 (1989) |
Bidens Abyssinica | |
Bidens biternata (Lour.) Merr. & Sherff In FEE Vol. 4(2): 320, 323 (2004) with Bidens abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex Walp. |
Asteraceae |
Zellim Dannak - Schimper Name |
tsselim-teneg (Tya) In FEE Vol. 4(2): 320, 323, 395 (2004). Also other Bidens species are also known by the same vernacular name |
Biserula leiocarpa |
Biserrula pelecinus L. Subsp. lelocarpa (A. Rkh.) Gillett in FEE Vol.3: 231, 233 (1989) with B. leiocarpa A. Rich. As a synonym |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Borago |
In FEE the species from Ethiopia in Borago (Borago africana L. and Borago zeylanica Burm. f. are now included in Trichodesma in FEE Vol 5: 86 (2006) |
Boraginaceae |
Boswellia papyrifera |
Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst. In FE. Vol. 3: 443, 444 (1989) |
Burseraceae |
Makkar (Machar) (Machari) - Schimper Name) |
meqer (Tya); qererrie (Amh); walba (Tya), ye'tan-zaf (Amh) in FE. Vol. 3: 443, 444 (1989) |
Brassica amplexicaulis |
Brassica napa . in FEE Vol. 2(1): 123 (2000) with B. amplexicaulis Hochst- Hochst. |
Brassicaceae |
Brassica |
Chenopodium murale (283), Chenopodium oplifolium (280) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 280, 283 (2000) |
Chenopodiaceae |
Hamli Kuwo - Schimper Name |
hamli gewo (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 280, 283, 491 (2000) |
Brassica |
Brassica carinata in FEE Vol. 2(1): 120 (2000) |
Brassicaceae |
Tigraic Name: Hamli, Amharic Name: Gomen - Schimper Name |
hamli gurnba (Tya), yeguragie gomen (Amh) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 120, 484 (2000) |
Brayera anthelmintica |
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce)J.F. Gmel. In FE: Vol. 3: 43, 44 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Amharic: Kosso, Tigraic: Habbi |
habbi (Tya); koso (Amh) in FE Vol. 3: 43, 44, 611 (1989) |
Brayera |
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce)J.F. Gmel. In FE: Vol. 3: 43, 44 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Kosso (Schimper- Name) |
habbi (Tya); koso (Amh) in FE Vol. 3: 43, 44, 611 (1989) |
Kosso (meaning Brayera). |
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce)J.F. Gmel. In FE: Vol. 3: 43, 44 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
habbi (Tya); koso (Amh) in FE Vol. 3: 43, 44, 611 (1989) |
Brucea antidysenterica |
Brucea antidysenterica J.F. Mill. In FE Vol. 3: 440, 441 (1989) |
Simaroubaceae |
Melita in Tigraic |
abalo (Amh), melita (Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 440, 441, 605 (1989) |
Bryonia species |
In the genera Corallocarpus Welw. ex Hook. f. Zehenria Endl., Mukia Arn., Diplocylos (Endl.) Post & O. Ktze in FEE Vol. 2(2): 25-56 (1995) |
Cucurbitaceae |
Hafāfălu - Schimper Name |
ĥfaflo (Tya) is given for Cucumis dipsaceus (37), Cucumis pustulatus (34), Zehneria anomala (27) in FEE Vol. 2(1):27,34, 37 (1995= |
Butea (magnificent red flowering thorn tree) |
Fabaceae |
Soaua - Schimper Name |
Buxus sempervirens |
Buxus hildebrandtii Baill. In FE: Vol. 3: 255, 256 (1989) is the onlyindigenous species inthe Flora area and there is no indication of B. Sempervirens in the FE. |
Buxaceae |
Cachrys Abyssinica |
Cachrys abyssinica Hochst. ex A.Rich. |
It is in Apiaceae, Fabaceaee ,etc in the web, but need to check Cufodontis Enum. Pl. Aet. |
Cactus form |
Cactaceae |
Callitriche stagnalis |
Callitriche favargeri Schotsman in FEE Vol. 2(1): 427 (2000) with C. stagnalis auct. non Scop. And C. hedbergiorum Schotsman in FEE Vol. 2(1): 427 (2000) with C. stagnalis auct. non Scop. |
Callitrichaceae |
Cameronia |
Orchidaceae |
Cannabis sativa L. in FE: Vol. 3: 327, 328 (1989) |
Cannabaceae |
bhang, dagga, hashish, pot 9ENG) in FE: Vol. 3: 327, 328, 605 (1989) |
Hashish. (Hashish in Arabic) |
It is also known as Hashish (Amh), but not indicated in FE |
Capparis oblongifolia |
Maerua oblongifolia (Forssk.) A. Rich In FEE Vol. 2(1): 112 (2000) |
Capparidaceae |
Bellas - Schimper- Name |
karicok (Sid.); Kalkaloabiya (Tse.); adai, daroma, gerimo (Tya); mere, meri, mori (Tya); samzei (Ben.); tetem ägazen, zahai fere (Tyare); Wawatie (Amh) - Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea Vol. 2(1): 487 (2000) |
Capparis tomentosa |
Capparis tomentosa Lam. In Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea 2(1): 95 (2000) |
Capparidaceae |
Andel - Schimper- Name |
ändiel (Tya), gmero (Amh), krmed (Tya) in Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea 2(1): 484 (2000) |
Capsella Bursa pastoris |
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. In FEE Vol. 2(1): 135 (2000) |
Brassicaceae |
Capsicum |
Capsicum annum in FEE Vol. 5: 148 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
beIl-pepper, birds eye peper, cherry pepper (Eng) in FEE Vol. 5: 148, 666 (2006) |
Tigraic Name: Berberi, Amharic Name just the same and also Afrintsch - Schimper- Name |
berbere (Amhm Tya) in FEE Vol. 5: 148, 666 (2006) |
Capsicum |
Solanaceae |
Schirba, is planted on a large scale in the monastery district Waldubba - Schimper- Name |
Cardamine africana |
Cardamine africana L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 142 (2000) |
Brassicaceae |
Cardamine simensis |
Not in FEE |
Brassicaceae |
Cardamine trichocarpa | |
Cardamine trichocarpa A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 142, 143 (2000) |
Brassicaceae |
Carduus Abyssinicus |
in FEE Vol. 4(2):27 (2004) with Carduus abyssinicus Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. |
Asteraceae |
Carduus Schimperi | |
Carduus schimperi Sch. FEE Vol. 4(2): 24, 25 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Carex species |
Carex L. in FEE Vol. 6: 511 (1997) |
Cyperaceae |
Carissa spinarum | |
Apocynaceae |
Carissa spinarum L. In FEE Vol. 4(1): 90 (2003) |
Agam - Schimper Name |
agam (Amh), 'agam (Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 90, 330 (2003) |
Carthamus lanatus | |
Carthamus lanatus L. in FEE Vol. 4(2): , 37,38 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
woolly star thistle (Eng) in FEE Vol. 4(2): , 37,38, 396 (2004) |
Denter - Schimper Name |
ye-ahiya-suf (Amh), dender-bayta in FEE Vol. 4(2): , 37,38, 396 (2004) |
Carthamus tinctorius |
Carthamus tinctorius L. in FEE Vol. 4(2): , 37,38(2004) |
Asteraceae |
samo~er,rouge, rouge plant, wars saffron, bastard saffron (Eng) in FEE Vol. 4(2): , 37,38, 396 (2004) |
Tigraic Name: Schuf, Amharic Name: Suf - Schimper Name |
yahaya-suf(Amh), suf (Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(2): , 37,38, 396 (2004) |
Cassia absus |
Chamaecrista absus (L.) Irwin & Barneby with Cassia absus L. as a synonym in FEE Vol. 3: 64 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinoideae |
äyni-wari (Tya), darur (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 64 & 606 |
Cassia goratensis |
Senna singueana (Del.) Lock with Cassia goratensis Fresen. In FEE Vol. 3: 59 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinoideae |
Hambe Hambo (Schimper-Name) |
hambhambo (Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 59 & 617 (1989) |
C.[assia] nigricans |
Chamaecrista nigricans (Vahl) Greene with Cassia nigricans Vahl as a synonym in FEE Vol. 3: 65 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinoideae |
āyni-wari (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 65 & 606 (1989) |
Catha forskalii | |
Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. Ex Endl. In FE Vol. 3: 340, 341 (1989) |
Celastraceae |
Caucalis |
Agrocharis Hochst. In FEE Vol. 4(1): 11 (2003) with Caucalis auct. afro trop., non L. |
Apiaceae |
Celastrus |
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Excell in FE Vol. 3: 336 (1989) |
Celastraceae |
Vulgar Name Argutti - Schimper Name in FE Vol. 3: 336, 613 (1989) |
argwdi (Tya), Argti (Tre) |
Celastrus arbutifolius | |
Maytenus arbutifolia (A. Rich.) Wilczek in FE Vol. 334, 335 (1989) |
Celastrus edulis | |
Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. Ex Endl. In FE Vol. 3: 340, 341 (1989) |
Celastraceae |
Celastrus obscurus |
Maytenus obscura (A. Rich.) Cuf. in FE Vol. 3: 333, 334 (1989) |
Celastraceae |
Celastrus pseudo obscurus |
Celastrus Schimperi | |
Maytenus serrata (A.Rich.) Wilczek in FE Vol. 3: 333, 334 (1989) |
Celastraceae |
Addadd - Schimper Name |
Atat (Am) - generic name used for a number of Maytenus species) |
Celastrus senegalensis |
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell in FE Vol. 3: 336 (1989) |
Celastraceae |
Addadd - Schimper Name |
Atat (Am) - generic name used for a number of Maytenus species) |
Celastrus sinuato-dentatus |
Celastraceae |
Addadd - Schimper Name |
Atat (Am) - generic name used for a number of Maytenus species) |
Celastrus |
Maytenus Molina in FE Vol. 3: 331 (1989) |
Celastraceae |
Celsia |
Verbascum L. in FEE Vol. 5: 245-251 (2006)or Rhabdotosperma Hartl in FEE Vol. 5: 251-254 (2006) |
Scrophulariaceae |
in FEE Vol. 5: 65 (2006) |
Cephalaria acaulis | |
Dipsacus pinnatifidus Steud. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 286 (2003)with Cephalaria acaulis Hochst ex A. a synonym |
Dipsacaceae |
Cerastium semiense |
Cerastium octandrum A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 216 (2000)with Cerastium simense Hochst. nom. nud. as a synonym |
Caryophyllaceae |
Cerastium |
Cerastium L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 215 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Chaetospora |
?Cyperaceae |
Ch.[enopodium] bonus Henricus |
Not in FEE |
Chenopodiaceae |
Guddi bello - Schimper Name |
Chenopodium species | |
Chenopodium L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 278 (2000) |
Chenopodiaceae |
Chrysanthellum Abyssinicium | |
Bidens setigera (Sch. Bip. ex Walp.) Sherff in FEE Vol. 4(2): 338 (2004)with Chrysanthellum abyssinicum Sch. Bip as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Cicer arietinum |
Cicer arietinum L. in FE Vol. 3: 246 (1989) |
Fabaceae |
chick pea (Eng) in FE Vol. 3: 246, 606 (1989) |
Tigraic Name: Ater, Amharic Name: Schimbera - Schimper Name |
ater ( Tig); ater-qeyyh (Tig), shmbra (Amh, Tig) , in FE Fl. Vol. 3: 246, 606 (1989) |
Cicer Cuneatum | |
Cicer cuneatum Hochst. Ex A. Rich. In FE Vol. 3: 248 (1989) |
Fabaceae |
Sebbarre Quasot - Schimper Name |
ater-ancwa, ater-gwasot (Tya.) shmbra-gwasot (Tya.), yeayt-shmbra (Amh) in FE Fl. Vol. 3: 246, 606 (1989). shmbra-gwasot (Tya.); yeayt-shmbra (Amh). in FE Vol. 3: 232, 248 (1989 |
Cic[er | |
Cicer L. n FE Vol. 3: 246 (1989) |
Fabaceae |
Ater Quasot - Schimper Name |
Cicuta |
Apiaceae |
Goddni (Tya), Guddi (Amh) - Schimper Name |
Cineraria Abyssinica | |
Cineraria abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 252 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Cineraria | |
Cineraria L. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 252 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Cissus Adenantha | |
Cyphostemma adenocaule (Steud. exA. Rich.) Descoings ex Wild & Drummond in FEE Vol. 3: 412, 414 (1989) with Cissus adenantha sensu Richard (1847) as a synonym |
Vitaceae |
C.[issus] cyphopetala | |
Cyphostemma cyphopetalum (Fresen.} Descoings ex Wild & Drummond in FEE Vol. 3: 417 (1989) with Cissus cyphopetala Fresen. as a synonym |
Vitaceae |
Halenke Tam;¯en, meaning Whip Snake - Schimper Name |
halengi-temen (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 412, 609 (1989) |
Cissus Schimperi, | |
Cyphostemma oxyphyllum (A. Rich.) Vollesen in FEE Vol. 3: 412 (1989) with Cissus schimperi Hochst. ex Planch. as a synonym |
Vitaceae |
Cissus serpens | |
Cyphostemma serpens (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Descoings in FEE Vol. 3: 417 (1989) |
Vitaceae |
Cissus subdiaphana | |
Cayratia gracilis (Guill.& Pem) Suesseng. in FEE Vol. 3: 403 (1989) with Cissus subdiaphana Steud. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Vitaceae |
Cissus | |
Cissus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 404 (1989) |
Vitaceae |
Citrus Aurantium |
C. aurantium L. in FEE Vol. 3: 432 (1989) |
Rutaceae |
bitter orange, sour orange (Eng) in FEE Vol. 3: 432, 606 (1989) |
Tigraic Name: Bochere Lomin, Amharic Name: Bachere Lem - Schimper Name |
bahre-Iomi (Amh); bekwre-lemin (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 432, 606 (1989) |
Citrus Decumana |
Citrus maxima (Burm) Merr. With Citrus ducamena L. As a synonym as a synonym ( |
Tigr[aic]: Trunki, Amharic: Trunko - Schimper Name |
The local name indicates this taxon belongs to C. medica (see below) |
Citrus (medica ?) |
Citrus medica L. in FEE Vol. 3: 430 (1989) |
Rutaceae |
citron (Eng) in FEE Vol. 3: 430, 606 (1989) |
Lomin, also Lemon - Schimper Name |
trngo (Amh, Tya); trngwi (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 430, 606 (1989) |
Clematis glaucescens |
Clematis hirsuta Perr. & Guill. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 19 (2000) with C. glaucescens Fresen. as a synonym |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis longicauda | |
Clematis longicauda Steud. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 19, 20 (2000) |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis Simensis |
Clematis simensis Fresen. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 20, 21 (2000) |
Ranunculaceae |
Hasso - Schimper Name |
azo, yeazo hareg (Amh), hareg (Tya.) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 20, 21, 485 (2000) |
Clinopodium |
Clinopodium L. in FEE Vol. 5: 554 (2006) and in FEE Vol. 1: 237 (2009) with three species |
Lamiaceae |
Clycine Abyssinica | |
Teramnus labialis (L. f.) Spreng. Subsp.labialis var. abyssinlcus (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.) Verdc. in FEE Vol. 3: 160 (1989) with Glycine abyssinica Hochst. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Fabaceae |
Clycine monstiformis |
Glycine wightii (Wight & Arn.) Verdc. Subsp. wightii var. longicauda (Schweinf.) Verdc. in FEE Vol. 3: 158 (1989) with G. moniliformis Hochst. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Fabaceae |
Coffea arabica |
Coffea arabica L. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 266, 267 (2003) |
Rubiaceae |
Bonn - Schimper Name |
buna (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 266, 267, 334 (2003) |
Colocynths |
Cucurbitaceae |
Dahachito - Schimper Name |
Colutea arborescens |
Colutea arborescens is a species of leguminous shrub known by the common name bladder senna. It is native to Europe and North Africa, but it is known on other continents where it is grown as an ornamental and used in landscaping for erosion control. |
Colutea Haleppica |
Colutea haleppica Lam. DC. Prod. Ii. 270. A. Rich. Fl. Abyss. i. 192 |
Dammayto - Schimper Name |
Colutea (On all the cool mountain locations from 6,000 to 9,000 feet absol[ute] height a Colutea is common which is very similar to Colutea arborescens, only differs slightly from it and it also grows in the high mountains of Arabia.) |
Colutea abyssinica Kunth & Bouché in FEE Vol. 3: 232, 233 (1989) |
Koachata - Schimper Name |
kok'ata (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 232, 233, 607 (1989) |
Combretum collinium |
Combretum collinum Fresen. In Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea Vol. 2(2): 116 (1995) |
Combretaceae |
alahingalle, daannisa, dabacca, dandalee (Orom.); duna (Anu.); gomorii (Orom.); kunyon (Anu); sesewe (Tya); ulweato (Anu); yeqola abalo (Amh.) |
Combretum ferrugineum |
Combretum moile R. Br. ex G. Don in FEE Vol. 2(2): 118 (1995) with Combretum ferrugineum A. Rich. As a synonym |
Combretaceae |
Combretum reticulatum | |
Combretum adenogonium Steud. ex A. Rich. in Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea Vol. 2(2): 117 (1995) |
Combretaceae |
Hazĭba - Schimper Name |
älenqoza (Tya), weyba (Amh.) |
Combretum molle | |
Combretum moile R. Br. ex G. Don in FEE Vol. 2(2): 118 (1995 |
Combretaceae |
Haˆsiba (Tya), dJ,e11 weyba (Amh, Tya) in in Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea Vol. 2(2): 118, 432(1995) |
Combretum Schimperianum |
Combretum moile R. Br. ex G. Don in FEE Vol. 2(2): 118 (1995) with C. schimperianum A.Rich. as a synonym |
Combretaceae |
Combretum trichantum |
Combretum moile R. Br. ex G. Don in FEE Vol. 2(2): 118 (1995) with C. trichanthum as a synonym |
Combretaceae |
Hazĭba - Schimper Name |
Haˆsiba (Tya), dJ,e11 weyba (Amh, Tya) in in Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea Vol. 2(2): 118, 432(1995) |
Conium verrucosum | |
Oresoschimperella verrucosa (A. Rich.) Rauschert in FEE 4(1): 24 (2003) with Conium verrucosum as a synonym |
Apiaceae |
Currenta Attki - Schimper Name |
V. Name not in FEE against the species |
Conyza Abyssinica | |
Conyza abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 205 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Conyza baccharoides |
Pluchea dioscoridis (L.) DC. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 144 (2004) with Conyza baccharoides Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Schitolo Mai - Schimper Name |
shtene-may, shtene (Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(2): 144, 398 (2004 |
Conyza hochstetteri | |
Conyza hochstetteri Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 207 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Conyza leucophylla | |
Conyza incana (Vahl) Willd. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 206 (2004) with Conyza leucophylla Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Conyza macrorhiza | |
Conyza stricta Willd. var. stricta in FEE Vol. 4(2): 209 (2004) with Conyza macrorrhiza Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Conyza pyrrhopappa | |
Conyza pyrrhopappa Sch. Bip. Ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 204 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
C.[onyza] Schimperi | |
Conyza schimperi Sch. Bip. Ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 209 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Fass Aragit - Schimper Name |
Conyza Steudelii | |
Conyza steudelii Sch. Bip. Ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 208 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Conyza variegata | |
Conyza variegata Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 207 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Conyza |
Conyza Less. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 201 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Convolvulus arvensis (?) | |
Convolvulus sagittatus Thunb. in FEE Vol. 5: 185, 666 (2006 ) |
Convolvulaceae |
Gama Harestei - Schimper Name |
gamme-zloresti (Tya) in FEE Vol. 5: 185, 666 (2006 ) |
Convolvulus |
Convolvulus L. in FEE Vol. 5: 179 (2006 ) |
Convolvulaceae |
Corchorus | |
Corchorus L. 2(2): 154 in FEE Vol. 2(2): 154 (1995) |
Tiliaceae |
Cordia Abyssinica |
Cordia africana Lam. with Cordia abyssinica R.Br. in FEE Vol. 5: 68, 69 (2006) |
Boraginaceae |
Tigraic: Auhi, Amharic: Wanza |
wanza (Amh), auhi (Tya) in FEE Vol. 5: 68, 69, 666 (2006) |
Cordia |
Cordia L. in FEE Vol. 5: 65 (2006) |
Boraginaceae |
Coreopsis Abyssinica | |
Bidens camporom (Hutch.) Mesfin in FEE Vol. 4(2): 323 (2004) with Coreopsis abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex Walp. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Gallgalle Maskal - Schimper Name |
ghelghele-meschel (Tya) |
Coreopsis involucrata | |
Bidens pachyloma (Oliv. & Hiern) in FEE Vol. 4(2): 328 (2004) with Coreopsis involucrata Sch. Bip. ex Walp., nom. illeg. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Coreopsis prestinaria | |
Bidens prestinaria (Sch. Bip.) Cufod. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 330 (2004) with Coreopsis prestinaria Sch. Bip. ex Walp. As a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Gallgalle Maskal - Schimper Name |
ghelghele-meschel (Tya) |
Coreopsis setigera | |
Bidens setigera (Sch. Bip. ex Walp.) Sherff in FEE Vol. 4(2): 332 (2004) with Coreopsis setigera Sch. Bip. ex a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Gallgalle Maskal - Schimper Name |
ghelghele-meschel (Tya) |
Coreopsis |
All species Coreopsis sensu Sherff in Ethiopia have been transferred to Bidens L. In FEE Vol. 4(2): 318 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
ghelghele-meschel (Tya) is a also used for most species of Bidens in FFE Vol. 4(1): 395, 396 (2004) |
Coriandrum sativum |
Coriandrum sativum L. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 15, 334 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
coriander (Eng) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 15, 334 (2003) |
Tigraic Name: Zagda, Amharic Name: Dimbillwill - Schimper Name |
dimbilal (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 15, 334 (2003) |
Corrigiola littoralis |
Corrigiola capensis Willd. subsp. africana (Turrill) Chaudhri. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 231, 232 (2000) with C. littoralis L. subsp. africana as a synonym |
?Caryophyllaceae |
Cotyledon |
Cotyledon L. Vol. 3:16 (1989) |
Crasulaceae |
Crocus |
Mentioned in FEE Vol. 6: 164 (1996) in connection with introduced and cultivated species |
Iridaceae |
Crambe Iuncea |
Brassicaceae |
Crotalaria astragalina |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
C.[rotalaria] carinata |
Crotalaria senegalensis (Pers.) Bacle ex DC. in FEE Vol. 3: 217 (1989) with C. carinata Steud. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Crotalaria cylindrica | |
Crotalaria cylindrica A. Rich.,. In FEE Vol. 3: 209 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
C.[rotalaria] impressa | |
Crotalaria impressa Nees ex Walp. In FEE Vol. 3: 208 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
C.[rotalaria] macropoda | |
Crotalaria orixensis Rottl. ex Willd. In FEE Vol. 3: 214 (1989) with C. macropoda Hochst. Ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Crotalaria macrostipula | |
Crotalaria goreensis Guill. & Perr. in FEE Vol. 3: 201 (1989) with C. macrostipula Dteud. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Crotalaria melilotoides | |
Crotalaria pycnostachya Benth. in FEE Vol. 3: 205 (1989) with C. melilotoides Steud. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Crotalaria simplex |
Crotalaria recta Steud. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 3: 216 (1989) with C. simplex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Crotalaria triantha |
Crotalaria triantha not in cluded in FE Vol. 3 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Crotalaria |
Crotalaria L. in FEE Vol. 3: 195 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Cruciferae |
Brassicaceae |
Cryptogamae |
Cryptogams |
Cucumis sativus |
Cucurbitaceae |
Gazo or Gat’o - Schimper Name |
Cucurbita maxima. |
Cucurbitaceae |
Dubba -Schimper Name |
Cucurbita |
Cucurbitaceae |
Sadek or Zadek -Schimper Name, otherwise also called Dubba |
Cucurbita |
Cucurbitaceae |
Ham;⌐ham -Schimper Name |
Cuscuta |
Cussonia arborea | |
Cussonia arborea A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 3: 538 (1989) |
Araliaceae |
Cussonia |
Cussonia L. in FEE Vol. 3: 538 (1989) |
Araliaceae |
Cyanopis |
Cynodon species |
Cynodon dactylon in FEE, Vol. 7: 175, 401 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Bermuda Grass, Common Star Grass, Dogs Toth Grass, Doob Grass, Scutch Grass in FEE, Vol. 7: 175, 401 (1995) |
Tahak (or Dahak) - Schimper Name |
Sa'ri Teĥag, Tehag (Tig) in FEE, Vol. 7: 175, 401 (1995); Sardo (Amh) |
Cynodon species |
Cynodon species in FEE, Vol. 7: 174 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Hez-hez - Schimper Name |
Cynoglossum | |
Boraginaceae |
Dannak - Schimper Name |
Cynoglossum |
Boraginaceae |
Cyperaceae in FEE Vol. 6: 391-511 (1997) |
A family including sedges withh over 19 genera and 185 species in FEE |
Cyperus species | |
Cyperus alternifolius L. in FEE Vol. 6: 434 (1997) |
Cyperaceae |
Doguale - Schimper Name |
doquale (Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 434 (1997) |
Kedrostis Medik. In FEE Vol. 2(2): 23 (1995) |
Cucurbitaceae |
Gadĭma - Schimper Name |
|||||| |
Cyperus bulbosus Vahl in FEE Vol. 6: 451 (1997) |
kun'ti (Tya), kunti (Amh) in FEE Vol. 6: 551 (1997) |
Cyperus esculentus |
earth almond (Eng) |
Kuandi - Schimper Name |
Cyrtonema (Name not included in Mabberley's Plant Book (2008) |
Daga (Daka) - Schimper Name |
Dactylis |
Dactylis L. With only one species in Ethioopia, D. glomerata L. In FEE, Vol. 7: 19 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. in FEE, Vol. 7: 139 (1995) |
Poaceae |
African Finger Millett, Finger Millettin FEE, Vol. 7: 139, 402 (1995) |
Dagussa - Schimper Name |
Dagusha (Tya), Dagusa (Amh)in FEE, Vol. 7: 139, 402 (1995) |
Dalbergia melanoxylon |
Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr. In Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 105 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
african blackwood, african ebony in Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 606 (1989) |
Subba (Sobha) (Schimper name) |
zbbe (Tya); zobbi (Amh) in Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 105, 606 (1989) |
Dalbergia praecon |
Name not cited in FEE Vol. 3 (1989) |
Daphne ( pag[e] 42148, there was probably a confusion where a plant has been erroneously called Daphne; because I now cannot provide the family name with certainty, we must be content with the Vulgar Name: Dis balaledo) |
Dis-balaldo (Dis Balalĕdo)- (Schimper name) |
Datura Stramonium |
Datura stramonium L. in FEE Vol. 5: 158, 159 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
common thorn apple, false castor oil, jimson, jamestone-weed, stramonium, thorn apple, thorn weed (Eng) in FEE Vol. 5: 156, 666 (2006) |
Tigraic language: Maserba, in the Amharic language: Astenaker - Schimper name |
mezerbai (Tya), astenager, astefaris (Amh) in FEE Vol. 5: 156, 666 (2006) |
Datura |
Datura L. in FEE Vol. 5: 156 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
Daucus Carotta |
Daucus carota in FEE Vol. 4(1): 11 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
Carrot (Eng) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 11, 334 (2003) |
Curenta - Schimper name |
kuerenta (Tya), karot (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 11, 334 (2003) |
Daucus | |
Daucus L. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 11 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
Desmodium Schimperi | |
Desmodium repandum (Vahl) DC. in FEE Vol. 3: 150 (1989) with D. schimperi Hochst. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Dianthus longiglumis |
Dianthus longiglumis Del. In FEE Vol. 2(1): 227, 228 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Dianthus |
Dianthus L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 226 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Sare-Saro - Schimper name |
Dichrocephala | |
Asteraceae |
Digitalis (?? blue flowering) |
V |
?Scrophulariaceae |
Zellim Dobossom - Schimper Name |
Dipsacae |
?Dipsacaceae |
Ras Nabhi, meaning Bee Head. (Ras Nabhi) - Schimper name |
Dispacus (Two real species) |
Dipsacus L. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 286 (2003) |
Dipsacaceae |
Dipsacus appendiculatus |
Dipsacus appendiculatus Steud. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 286 (2003) |
Dipsacaceae |
kelm (Amh), gallam (Tya) |
D.[ipsacus] pinnatifidus | |
Dipsacus pinnatifidus Steud. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 286, 287 (2003) |
Dipsacaceae |
Dodonaea arabica (viscosa?) |
Dodonaea angustifolia L. f. in FEE Vol. 3: 491, 492 (1989) is the only species in FEE, D. arabuca is not cited in FEE |
Sapindaceeae |
Dāsos - Schimper Name |
tahses (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 491, 492, 609 (1989) |
Dolichos |
Dolichos L. in FEE Vol. 3: 178 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Echium |
Echium plantagineum L. in FEE Vol. 5: 98 (2006), the only naturalised species in FEE |
Boraginaceae |
Echinops chamoecephalus | |
Echinops hispidus Fresen. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 20 (2004) with E. chamaecephalus Hochst ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Echinops giganteus |
Echinops giganteus A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 23 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Echinops longifolius | |
Echinops longoifolius in FEE Vol. 4(2): 23 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Echinops spinosus |
Echinops kebericho in FEE Vol. 4(2): 21 (2004), but Echinops E. pappii includes E. spinosus L. var. homoilepis Chiov. As a synonym. |
Asteraceae |
Gabaritscho - Schimper Name |
qebericho (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(2): 21, 397 (2004) |
Echinops (all species) are called Denter |
Echinops hispidus in FEE Vol. 4(2): 18 (2004), Echinops longisetus in FEE Vol. 4(2): 17 (2004), |
Asteraceae |
Denter - Schimper Name |
dandier-bayta, dandier-adgi (Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(2): 17, 18, 397 (2004) |
Eleusine Dagussa |
Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. in FEE, Vol. 7: 139 (1995) |
Poaceae |
African Finger Millett, Finger Millettin FEE, Vol. 7: 139, 402 (1995) |
Dagussa - Schimper Name |
Dagusha (Tya), Dagusa (Amh)in FEE, Vol. 7: 139, 402 (1995) |
Eleusine species |
Eleusine floccifolia In FEE, Vol. 7: 141 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Regĭha - Schimper Name |
Reghe (Tya) in FEE, Vol. 7: 141, 402 (1995) |
Ensete |
?Ensete ventricosum |
Musaceae |
Ensed - Schimper Name |
Epilobium fissipetalum | |
Epilobium stereophyllum Fresen. in FEE Vol 2(1): 413 (2000) with E. fissipetalum Steud. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium hirsutum | |
Epilobium hirsutum L. in FEE Vol 2(1): 413 (2000) |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium Schimperianum | |
Epilobium stereophyllum Fresen. in FEE Vol 2(1): 413 (2000) with E. schimperianum Hochst. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium Stereophyllum | |
Epilobium stereophyllum Fresen. in FEE Vol 2(1): 413 (2000) |
Onagraceae |
||||| |
Eragrostis teff |
Poaceae |
Tef - Schimper Name |
Eriosema cordifolium |
Eriosema cordifolium Hochst. exA. Rich. in FEE Vol. 3: , 193, 194 (1989) |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
Moschuko - Schimper Name |
yemdr-qolo (Amh) |
Erodium allotrichum | |
Erodium moschatum (L.) Ait. in FEE Vol 2(1): 372 (2000) with E. allotrichum A.Rich. as a synonym |
Geraniaceae |
Erodium moschatum | |
Erodium moschatum (L.) Ait. in FEE Vol 2(1): 372 (2000) |
Geraniaceae |
Erynchium |
Erysimum |
Brassica L. in FEE Vol 2(1): 123 (2000) - Brassica rapa L. with Erysimum amplexicaule A. Rich. |
Brassicaceae |
Erica arborea | |
Erica arborea L. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 46, 47 (2003) |
Ericaceae |
briar root, bruyere, giant heath, tree heath (Eng) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 46, 47, 334 (2003 |
Tigraic Name: Schachto, Amharic Name: Uttschenna - Schimper Name |
shakhto (Tya), asta, wucena (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 46, 47, 334 (2003) |
Ervum hirsutum |
Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray in FEE Vol. 3: 249 (1989) with Ervum hirsutum as a synonym ( |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
Sabbare Quasot - Schimper Name |
sebbere-gwasot (Tya.) in FEE Vol. 3: 249, 619 (1989) . N.B. This name is for Vicia sativa NOT Vicia hirsuta in FEE Vol. 3: 249 (1989) |
Ervum Lenz |
Lens culinaris Medik. in FEE Vol. 3: 249 (1989) with Ervum Lens L. as a synonym ( (13 March 2013) |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
Tigraic Name: Birsem (Bersem), Amharic Name: Messer - Schimper Name |
brsn (Tya), mssr (Amh) |
Ervum Lens |
Lens culinaris Medik. in FEE Vol. 3: 249 (1989) with Ervum Lens L. as a synonym ( (13 March 2013) |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
Tigraic Name: Birsem (Bersem), Amharic Name: Messer - Schimper Name |
brsn (Tya), mssr (Amh) |
Euphorbia Schimperiana | |
Euphorbia schimperiana Scheele in FEE 2(2): 370, 371 (1995) |
Euphorbiaceaeae |
Handukduka - Schimper Name |
hnduqduq (Tya), hndugdug (Amh) in FEE 2(2): 370, 371, 423 (1995) |
Euphorbias |
Refers to memebers of the Family Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbiaceaeae |
Euphorbia (shrub in Cactus) | |
Euphorbia polyacantha Boiss. in FEE 2(2): 342 (1995) |
Euphorbiaceaeae |
Masbāa - Schimper Name |
mezba' (Tya) in FEE 2(2): 342, 423 (1995) |
Euphorbia (tree) | |
Euphorbia abyssinica Gmel. in FEE 2(2): 334 (1995) or Euphorbia candelabrum Kotschy in FEE 2(2): 336 (1995) |
Euphorbiaceaeae |
Kollquall, Kollkuall or Kollquall - Schimper Name |
qolqwal (Tya), qulqwal (Amh) in FEE 2(2): 334, 423 (1995) |
Euphorbia (Another tree also of a strange shape, is a real tree, the trunk and the branches are thick, solid wood) |
Euphorbiaceaeae |
Ganschit - Schimper Name |
Faba vulgaris |
Vicia faba L. in FEE Vol. 3: 249 (1989) with Faba vulgaris as a synonym |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
broad bean, faba bean, field bean, horse bean ( (Eng) in FEE Vol. 3: 249, 619 (1989) |
Tigraic Name: Ater bahari, Amharic Name: Bagilla - Schimper Name |
alqway, āter-bahri (Tya), baqiela (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 249, 619 (1989) |
Ferula Abyssinica | |
Ferula communis L. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 37 (2003) with F. abvssinica Hochst. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Apiaceae |
Deok (Deog) - Schimper Name |
diog (Tya), dog (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 37, 334 (2003) |
Felicia Abyssinica. | |
Felicia abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 196 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Felicia | |
Vernonia amygdalina in FEE Vol. 4(2): 78 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Graua - Schimper Name |
grawa (Tya), grawa (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(2): 78, 399 (2004) |
Feretia elliptica |
Feretia apodanthera Del. subsp. apodanthera in FEE Vol. 4(1): 260 (2003) with Pavetta elliptica Hochst. in Pl.Schimp. Abyss., sect. II, 906) (1844), nom. Nud. This is the only species known in FEE |
Rubiaceae |
Festuca | |
Festuca L. In FEE, Vol. 7: 23 (1995) |
Poaceae |
fig plant |
Tscheramde - Schimper Name |
Ficus sp. |
Ficus L. In FEE Vol. 3: 278 (1989) |
Moraceae |
Sycamore |
Bellas - Schimper Name |
Beles (Amh, Tya) is a generic name for Ficus in FEE Vol. 3: 278, 610 (1989) |
Ficus sp. |
Moraceae |
Tscheramde Harmas - Schimper Name |
Ficus sp. |
Moraceae |
Tscheramde, has leaves similar to those of Laurus nobilis |
Ficus sp. | |
Ficus sur Forssk. in FEE Vol. 3: 287, 288 (1989) |
Moraceae |
Another Sycamore |
Kotto (Chotto) - Schimper Name |
Kodo (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 287, 288, 611 (1989) |
Ficus sp. | |
Ficus vasta Forssk. in FEE Vol. 3: 296 (1989) |
Moraceae |
Daro (tig), Worka (Am) - Schimper Name |
warka, werka (Amh); da'ro (Tya) In FEE Vol. 3: 296, 611 (1989) |
? Ficus species Aff | |
Ficus thonningii Blume in FEE Vol. 3: 298 (1989) |
Moraceae |
Schebacho - Schimper Name |
cbaha (Amh); shbaḱa (Tya) In FEE Vol. 3: 298, 611 (1989) |
Filago |
K000274251 |
Filago abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 184(2004) |
Asteraceae |
Flacourtia obtusata | |
Dovyalis abyssinica (A. Rich.) Warb. In FEE Vol. 2(1): 448 (2000) with Hydnocarpus obtusa Hochst. ex Presl as a synonym |
Flacourtiaceae |
Kaschum - Schimper Name |
koshm (Amh) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 448, 486 (2000) |
Foeniculum |
Foeniculum vulgare Miller in FEE Vol. 4(1): 34 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
bitter fennel, fennel flower, fennel, florence, italian fennel, roman fennel, sweetfennel (Eng) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 34, 334 (2003) |
ienselal (Amh, Tya), shilan (Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 34, 334 (2003) |
Fumaria officinalis | |
Fumaria abyssinica Hammar in FEE Vol. 2 (1): 69 (2000) is the only species in FEE, but F. officnalis is not cited in FEE Vol. 2 (1): 69 (2000) |
Papaveraceae |
Gailliea dichro[s]tachis | |
Dichrostachys cinerea Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3 : 74 (1989), but Gailica dichrostacis is not recorded as a synonym |
Fabaceae subsp. Mimosoideae |
Gonnok - Schimper Name |
arshamarsha (Tya); arshe-mersha (Amh.) gweneqw, keney (Tya) in Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3 : 609 (1989) |
Gaillica dichrostachis | |
Dichrostachys cinerea Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3 : 74 (1989), but Gailica dichrostacis is not recorded as a synonym |
Fabaceae subsp. Mimosoideae |
Galium hamatum | |
Galium aparinoides Forssk. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 236 (2003) with G. hamatum A. Rich. as a synonym |
Rubiaceae |
şegogott (Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 235, 334 (2003) |
Galium species (all) |
Galium L. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 235 (2003) with a number of species in FEE Vol. 4(1): 235-239 (2003) |
Rubiaceae |
Zogogott - Schimper Name |
Garaz- Schimper Name |
Gawa (Gaba) | |
Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. in Flor of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 395 (1989) |
Rhamnaceae |
Gawa (Gaba) - Schimper Name |
geba (Amh & Tya); gaba (Amh) in Flor of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 395, 620 (1989) |
Genista |
Genista is a genus of flowering plantsin the legume family Fabaceae, native to open habitats such as moorland and pasture in Europe and western Asia ( |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Geranium favosum | |
Geranium dissectum L. var. sublaeve (Oliv.) Milne-Redh. in FEE Vol. 2 (1): 366, 367 (2000) with G. favosum A. Rich. var. sublaeve Oliv. as a synonym |
Geraniaceae |
Geranium frigidum | |
Geranium arabicum Forssk. subsp. arabicum in FEE Vol. 2 (1): 365, 366 (2000) with G. frigidum A. Rich. as a synonym |
Geraniaceae |
Geranium |
Geranium in FEE Vol. 2 (1): 364 (2000) |
Geraniaceae |
Gnaphalium luteo album |
Pseudognaphalium luteo-album (L.) Hilliard & Burtt in FEE Vol. 4(2): 180 (2004) with Gnaphalium luteo-album L. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Gnaphalium uliginosum | |
Gnaphalium unionis Sch. Bip. ex Oliv. & Hiern in FEE Vol. 4(2): 183 (2004) with Gnaphalium uliginosum auct., non L. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Gnaphalium |
Gnaphalium L. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 182 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Gomalle - Schimper Name |
Gossypium (one species is a low shrub, which grows on dry land and supplies a very good cotton, better than the Indian one |
Gossypium arboreum, Gossypium herbaceum, Gossypium hirsutum, in FEE Vol. 2(2): 222(1995) |
Malvaceae |
Cotton (Eng) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 222 (1995) |
Dut - Schimper Name |
ṫṫ (Amh), ṫuṫ (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 222, 424(1995) |
Gossypium (The other species is planted at stream banks, the wool dissolves with more difficulty from the fruit kernel |
Malvaceae |
Gattschittscha Dut - Schimper Name |
Glechoma |
Not in FEE Vol. 5: (1989) with Lamiaceae included |
Lamiaceae |
Glycine elegans |
Not in FEE Vol. 3: 158 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Glycine species |
Glycine Willd. In FEE Vol. 3: 158 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Gr.[atiola] officinalis. |
Possibly in Lindernia in FEE Vol. 5: 277 (2006) |
Scrophulariaceae |
Grewia bicolor | |
Grewia bicolor Juss. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 147 (1995) |
Tiliaceae |
Owa or also Uwa - Schimper Name |
hoba šenqway (Tya); sefa, somaya(Amh) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 147, 424 (1995) |
Grewia sp. |
Grewia molis A. Juss. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 146 (1995) |
Tiliaceae |
Batri Musa, - Schimper Name |
betremusie (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 146, 424 (1995) but this name is also used for Grewia flavescens Juss. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 147 (1995) (personal knowledge) |
Grewia (shrub yellow-flowered) | |
Grewia bicolor Juss. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 147 (1995) |
Tiliaceae |
Tigraic name is Owa, the Amharic name: Somaija |
hoba šenqway (Tya); sefa, somaya (Amh) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 147,424 (1995) |
Grewia (white-flowered Grewia is found as a small tree only |
Grewia ferruginea Hochst. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 150 (1995) |
Zungăa - - Schimper Name |
šnquya(Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 150 (1995) |
Guizotia oleifera |
Guizotia abyssinica in FEE Vol. 4(2): 309 (2004) with Guizotia oleifera (DC.) DC. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Tigraic Name: Nehuk, Amharic Name: Nuk |
G.[uizotia] oleifera |
Guizotia abyssinica in FEE Vol. 4(2): 309 (2004) with Guizotia oleifera (DC.) DC. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Nehukai meaning Nehuk or Nuhk-like - Schimper Name |
Tigraic Name: Nehuk, Amharic Name: Nuk |
Guizotia villosa | |
Guizotia villosa Sch. Bip. ex Walp. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 313 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Tenekta - Schimper Name |
meç (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(2): 313, 397 (2004) |
Guizotia |
Guizotia Cass. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 309 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Combretum molle R.Br. ex G. Don in Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea Vol. 2(2): 118 (1995) |
Combretaceae |
Haziba - Schimper Name |
ĥašiba (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 118, 420 (1995) |
Helleborus (of the foetidus habitus) |
Herodium moschatum |
Erodium moschatum (L.) Ait. in FEE Vol 2(1): 372 (2000) |
Geraniaceae |
Hedyotis monanthos |
Helichrysum Abyssinicum | |
Helichrysum splendidum (Thunb.) Less. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 169 (2004) with Helichrysum abyssinicum (Sch. Bip.) A. Rich. As a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Subhinadai (Schimper Name) |
suhumatali (Tya) is used in for Senecio hadiensis in FEE in FEE Vol. 4(2): 247, 398 (2004) |
H.[elichrysum] foetidum | |
Helichrysum foetidum (L.) Moench. In n FEE Vol. 4(2): 176, 177 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Subhinadai (Schimper Name) |
H.[elichrysum] Steudelii |
Pseudognaphalium oligandram (DC.) Hillard & Burtt with Helichrysum steudelii Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 179 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Subhinadai (Schimper Name) |
Helichrysum foetidum (L.) Moench | |
Helichrysum foetidum (L.) Moench in FEE Vol. 4(2): 176 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
adela-daalecha (Orom) in FEE Vol. 4(2): 397 (2004) |
Helichrysum formosissimum | |
Helicbrysum formosissimum Sch. Bip. Ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 166 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Helichrysum spinosum | |
Helichrysum citrispinum Del. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 165 (2004) with Helichrysum spinosum Sch. Bip. nom. nud. |
Asteraceae |
Helichrysm Steudelii |
Pseudognaphalium oligandram (DC.) Hillard & Burtt with Helichrysum steudelii Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 179 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Subhmǎdi (Schimper Name) |
Helichrysum |
Helichrysum L. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 163 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Heliotropium | |
in FEE Vol 4(1): 372 (2003) |
Boraginaceae |
Helioscudium nodiflorum |
in FEE Vol 4(1): 20 (2003) with Helosciadium nodiflorum (L.) Koch. |
?Apiaceae |
Heteromorpha Abyssinica |
Heteromorpha abyssinica A. Rich. in FEE Vol 4(1): 41 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
H.[ibiscus] crassinervus | |
Hibiscus crassinervius Hochst. ex A. Rich. n FEE Vol. 2(2): 209, 211 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Hibiscus |
Hibiscus calyphyllus Cavan. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 192 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Sugott - Schimper Name |
šgot (Tya), (Tya), sugot (Amh) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 192 (1995) |
Hippocratea Schimperiana |
Hippocratea africana (Willd.) Loes. Var. schimperiana (Steud. & Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Cuf. in FEE Vol. 3: 342 (1989) with H. schimperiana Steud. & Hochst. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Celastraceae |
Dra - Schimper Name |
dra' (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 611 (1989) |
Hinterhubera Kotschyi |
Chrysanthellum indicum DC. subsp. afroamericanum B.L. Turner in FEE Vol. 4(2): 338 (2004) with Hinterhubera kotschyi Sch.Bip. ex Hochst. |
Hordeum | |
Hordeum vulgare L. In FEE Vol. 7, 59, 403 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Barley (Eng) In FEE Vol. 7, 59, 403 (1995) |
In Tigraic language Sigam, in Amharic language Gobs, (or Gabs, – G’ébs) - Schimper Name |
Sgem (Tya), Gebs (Amh), with many varietal names in FEE Vol. 7, 59, 403 (1995) |
Hyacinth (yellow-flowered) - Difficult to name as most members have flowers yellowihs green to purple to white |
Hyacinthaceae in FEE Vol 6: 138 (1997) |
Hydrocotile natans |
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f in FEE Vol 4(1): 4 (2003) with Hydrocotyle natans Cirillo |
Apiaceae |
Hydrocotile asiatica |
Centella asiatica (L.) Urban in Mart. in FEE Vol 4(1): 5 (2003) with Hydrocotyle asiatica L. |
Apiaceae |
Hypericum leucoptychodes |
in FEE Vol 2(2): 136 (1995) with Hypericum leucoptychodes Steudel ex A. Rich. |
Hypericaceae |
Hypericum Roeperianum, |
Hypericum roeperianum W.G. Schimp. ex A. FEE Vol 2(2): 136 (1995) |
Hypericaceae |
Hypericum Raperianum |
Hypericum roeperianum W.G. Schimp. ex A. FEE Vol 2(2): 136 (1995) |
Hypericaceae |
Hyp[e]r[i]c[u]m tuberosum |
Hypericaceae |
Hypericum |
Hypericum quartinianum (p. 136); Hypericum revolutum (136); Hypericum gnidiifolium (138); |
Hypericaceae |
Amitscha- Schimper Name |
amja (Amh) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 136, 138, 425 (1995) |
Impatiens flagellifera |
Impatiens rothii (391) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 391 (2000) with Impatiens flagellifera Hochst. ex Del. As a synonym |
Balsaminaceae |
Ellam - Schimper Name |
élam, élen, elamie, gureiile (Tya.) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 391, 487 (2000) |
Impatiens micrantha | |
Impatiens hochstetteri Warb. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 390 (2000) with Impatiens micrantha Hochst. ex A. Rich. |
Balsaminaceae |
I.[mpatiens] tinctoria but flagelliefera135 in Germany | |
Impatiens tinctoria A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 391(2000) |
Balsaminaceae |
Ellam - Schimper Name |
Impatiens |
Impatiens tinctoria A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 391 (2000) |
Balsaminaceae |
Ellam - Schimper Name |
élam, élen, elamie, gureiile (Tya.) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 391, 487 (2000) This was in the FEE for I. rothii not for I. tinctoria |
Indigofera |
Indigofera L. in FEE Vol. 3: 1119 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Indigofera argentea |
Indigofera argentea Burm. f. in FEE Vol. 3: 128 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Indigofera arrecta | |
Indigofera arrecta Hochst. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 3: 119, 135 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Dig-Indig - Schimper Name |
dgndg (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 119, 135, 611 (1989) |
Indigofera glutinosa |
Indigofera colutea (Burm. f) Merr. in FEE Vol. 3: 127 (1989) with Indigofera glutinosa Perrottet ex de Candolle as a synonym ( |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Indigofera melanotricha |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Indigofera parvula | |
Indigofera spicata Forssk. in FEE Vol. 3: 136 (1989) with I. parvula sensu Hochst. ex A. Rich. |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Fosi Korzet - Schimper Name |
yeayt-mssr (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 136,612 (1989). |
Indigofera Schimperiana |
Indigofera schimperi Iaub. & Spach, 136 |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Indigofera viscosa |
Indigofera colutea (Burm. f) Merr. in FEE Vol. 3: 127 (1989) with Indigofera viscosa Lam. As a synonum |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Sari Gabra Marejam, (which means slave grass of the Holy Mary) and Sari amesalo |
çgono, hamaserran(Tya); mara (Som.); nffashya, nffasya (Tya); raäma (Som.); sebqana (Agew & Bil); sobkana, tebqana (Bil); tugar (Som) |
Inga Isenbergiana | |
Albizia isenbergiana (A. Rich.) Fourn. with Inga isenbergiana A. Rich. as a synonym in FEE Vol. 3: 94 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Zideno - Schimper Name |
şdieno (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 603 (1989), tsideno (Amh) in Cufodontis Enum. Plant. Aethiop. Sperm. 24 (2): 184 (1954) |
Inga sericocephala | |
Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boiv. subsp. sericocephala (Benth.) Brenan in Flora of Ethiopia - CJB (Les conservatoire et jardin botaniques), Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 94 (1989) de la Ville de Genève) data Base |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
çgono, hamaserran(Tya); mara (Som.); nffashya, nffasya (Tya); raäma (Som.); sebqana (Agew & Bil); sobkana, tebqana (Bil); tugar (Som) |
Inga Species | |
Albizia isenbergiana (A. Rich.) Fourn. with Inga isenbergiana A. Rich. as a synonym in FEE Vol. 3: 94 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Zideno - Schimper Name |
şdieno (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 603 (1989), tsideno (Amh) in Cufodontis Enum. Plant. Aethiop. Sperm. 24 (2): 184 (1954) |
Inga species |
Albizia malacophylla (A. Rich.) Walp. with Inga malacophylla A. Rich. And I. quartinina (A. Rich.) Walp as synnyms in FEE Vol. 3: 93 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Zideno - Schimper Name |
çgono, hamaserran, nffasha, nffasia (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 604 (1989) |
I.[nula] fruticosa | |
Inula arbuscula Del. in FEE Vol. 4(2: 122 (2004) with I. fruticosa Sch. Bip., nom. nud. As a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Iris Pseudo Acorus |
Isolepis |
Cyperaceae |
Saddi - Schimper Name ((at Easter this latter species has the Vulgar Name: Gitscha) |
Jasminum | |
Jasminum abyssinicum Hochst. ex DC. or Jasminum fluminense Veil. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 85, 86 (2003) |
Oleaceae |
Habbi Zellim - Schimper Name (meaning black berry is a 4 to 8 feet tall perennial) |
habbi tseIIim (Tya) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 335 (2003) |
Jridae (The bulbs of the Jridae) |
Ensaraze |
Juncus | |
? Juncus punctorius L. f. in FEE Vol. 6: 389 (1997) |
Juncaceae |
Saddi - Schimper Name |
mçqua ruba, seti (Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 553 (1997) |
Juniperus | |
Juniperus procera |
Cupressaceae |
Tigraic language: Zaddi, in the Amharic language D'at - Schimper Name |
Juniperus communis (The fruitsof the Ethiopian Juniper have the same size, colour and taste as our German juniper tree, Juniperus communis, but are not used in Abyssinia, see page 78r) |
Kalanchoe | |
Crassulaceae |
Klenzia Abyssinica |
Kleinia abyssinica (A. Rich.) A. Berger in FEE Vol. 4(2): 271 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Klenzia rosmarinifolia |
This is not cited in FEE Vol.4(2) (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Meliaceae |
Korsema - Schimper Name (a smaller tree The leaves mixed with milk. It is a dangerous agent, is used against tapeworm and roundworm.) |
Brayera (= Hagenia abyssinica abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel. in FEE Vol. 3: 43 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Kosso (meaning Brayera) |
koso (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 42 (1989) |
||||| |
Mimusops kummel |
Sapotaceae |
Kummel- Schimper Name |
Labiatae |
Lamiaceae |
Labiatae (One type of Labiatae) |
Lamiaceae |
Sanki Attki (meaning Donkey Rod) - Schimper Name |
Labiatae (One type of Labiatae) |
Lamiaceae |
Gassaha - Schimper Name |
Lactuca Hochstetteri |
Lactuca inermis Forssk. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 55 (2004) with Lactuca hochstetteri Sch. Bip., nom. nud., as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Lactuca massaviensis |
Launaea massauensis (Fresen.) Sch. Bip. ex Kuntze in FEE Vol. 4(2): 62 (2004) with Lactuca massauensis (Fresen.) A. Rich., as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Lactuca paradoxa | |
Lactuca paradoxa Sch. Bip. exA. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 54 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Laggera tomentosa | |
Laggera tomentosa (Sch. Bip. exA. Rich.) Olivo& Hiern in FEE Vol. 4(2): 141 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Lagunea | |
Hibiscus L. in FEE 2(2): 191 (1995) with Laguna as a synonym |
Malvaceae |
Lagunea Abyssinica |
Hibiscus lobatus (Murr.) O. Ktze as Laguna abyssinica - FEE 2(2): 205 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Lamium amplexicaule |
Lamium amplexicaule L. in FEE Vol. 5: 532 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Lathyrus sativus |
Lathyrus sativus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 250 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
chickling vetch, grass pea (Eng) in FEE Vol. 3: 250, 613 (1989) |
Sebb[arre - Schimper Name |
sebbere (Tya), gwayya (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 250, 613 (1989) |
Lathyrus sativus |
Lathyrus sativus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 250 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
chickling vetch, grass pea (Eng) in FEE Vol. 3: 250, 613 (1989) |
Tigraic Name: Sebbere, Amharic Name: Ungaija - Schimper Name |
sebbere (Tya), gwayya (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 250, 613 (1989) |
Lathyrus sphaericus |
Lathyrus sphaericus Retz. in FEE Vol. 3: 250, 251 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Lathyrus |
Lathyrus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 249 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Laurus nobilis like |
Lavendula |
Lavandula L. in FEE Vol. 5: 563 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Leersia | |
Leersia Sw. In FEE Vol. 7: 9 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Lefeburea Abyssinica | |
Lefebvera abyssinica A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 42 (2003) |
Apiaceae |
Lepidium Abyssinicum | |
Lepidium armoracia Fisch. & Mey. 2 (1): 133 (2000) with Linum abyssinicum A. Rich., as a synonym |
Brassicaceae |
Lepidium sativum |
Lepidium sativum L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 131(2000) |
Brassicaceae |
Schimfa - Schimper Name |
shinfa' (Tya), fieto (Amh), in FEE Vol. 2(1): 131(2000) |
Leuconium (white-flowered species, the shape of which is a combination of Leuconium and Iris) |
Iridaceae |
L.[imosella] aquatica |
Limosella africana Gluck in FEE Vol. 5: 264 (2006) |
Linum Gallicum |
Linum trigynum L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 352 (2000) with Linum gallicum L., as a synonym |
Linum usitatissimum |
Linum usitatissimum L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 352, 487 (2000) |
Linaceae |
flax (Eng.) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 352, 487 (2000) |
Tigraic Name: Endata or Endada, Amharic Name: Tigraic Name: Endata or Endada, Amharic Name: Talba - Schimper Name |
nţaţi' (Tya), telba(Amh) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 352, 487 (2000) |
Linaria vulgaris. |
Not cited in FEE Vol. 2(1) |
Linaceae |
Lithospermum |
Lithospermum L. in FEE Vol. 5: 96 (2006) |
?Boraginaceae |
Enserazé (Enserrrăzé) Schimper - Name |
Lolium temulentum |
Lolium temulentum L. In FEE Vol. 7: 17, 18 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Arnel (Eng) In FEE Vol. 7: 17, 18, 404 (1995) |
Kirdat - Schimper Name |
Krdad (Tya), 'Nkrdad (Amh) in FEE Vol. 7: 17, 18, 404 (1995) |
Loph.[ostylis] angustifolia |
Securidaca longepedunculata Fresen. var. longepedunculata 2(1): 177 (2000) with Lophostylis angustifolia Hochst. As a synonym |
Lophostylis |
Securidaca L. 2(1): 177 (2000) |
Loranthaceae |
Loranthaceae (Loranthaceae all have the common Name Dqala (Tig) for all species in FE Vol. 3: 361-374 (1989) |
Degala - Schimper Name ( meaning Adjacent Child, a name to which is added the [insert: name of] the tree on which this child is nesting.mebers |
dqala (Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 361-374 (1989) |
Loranthus gibbosolus | |
Plicosepalus acaciae (Zucc.) Wiens & Polhill in FEE Vol. 3: 363 (1989) with Loranthus gibbosulus A. Rich. as a synonym |
Loranthaceae |
Loranthus globiferus, | |
Tapinanthus globiferus (A. Rich.] Tieghem in FEE Vol. 3: 373 (1989) with Loranthus globiferus A. Rich. As a synonym |
Loranthaceae |
Loranthus macrosolen | |
Phragmanthera macrosolen (A. Rich.) M. Gilbert in FEE Vol. 3: 367 (1989) with Loranthus macrosolen A. Rich. as a synonym |
Loranthaceae |
Loranthus oblongifolius | |
Erianthemum dregei (Eckl. & Zeyh) Tieghem in FEE Vol. 3: 366 (1989) with Loranthus oblongifolius A. Rich. as a synonym |
Loranthaceae |
Loranthus platyphyllus | |
Schimperina platyphylla (A. Rich.) Tieghem in FEE Vol. 3: 372 (1989) with Loranthus platyphyllus A. Rich. as synonyms |
Loranthaceae |
Loranthus rufescens | |
Phragmanthera regularis (Sprague) M. Gilbert in FEE Vol. 3: 368 (1989) with Loranthus rufescens sensu A. Rich. non DC. and L. rufescens DC. var. pilosus Pax as synonyms |
Loranthaceae |
Loranthus Schimperi | |
Oncocalyx schimperi (A. Rich.) M. Gilbert in FEE Vol. 3: 370 (1989) with Loranthus schimperi A. Rich. (as a synonym |
Loranthaceae |
Lotus brachycarpus | |
Lotus quinatus (Forssk.) Gillett Var. brachycarpus (Hochst. & Steud. exA. Rich.} Gillett in FEE Vol. 3: 224 (1989) with L. brachycarpus Hochst. & Steud. ex A. Rich. As syn. |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
Lotus corniculatus |
Lotus. corniculatus in FEE Vol. 3: 224 (1989) |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
birdfoot trefoil (Eng). |
L.[otus] hirsutus |
Lotus hirsutus, Hairy canary clover, Canary clover L. hirsutus is a small, rounded, semi-evergreen sub shrub with hairy, grey-green leaves. In summer, it is covered with clusters of small, pea-like ( Not known from FEE |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
Lotus |
Lotus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 223 (1989) |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
Loxospermum Schimperi | |
Trifolium schimperi A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 3: 241 (1989) with Loxospermum schimperi Hochst. As a synonym |
Lupinus |
Lupinus albus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 219 (1989) with L. termis Forssk. |
Fabaceae Subfam. Papilionoideae |
egyptian lupin, white lupin (Eng ) in FEE Vol. 3: 219, 613 (1989) |
Amharic Name: Gabtu or Gibtu - Schimper Name |
gbşo (Tya), gbto (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 219, 613 (1989) |
Lychnis |
?Caryophyllaceae |
Afteha (also Haftu) - Schimper Name |
Lycopodium |
Lycopodium L. in FEE Vol.1: 8 (2009) |
Lycopodiaceae |
L.[ythrum] rotundifolium | |
Lythrum rotundifolium A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 399 (2000) |
Lythrum thymifolia | |
Lythrum hyssopifolium L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 399 (2000) |
Lythraceae |
Tree Madare stands alone in all parts of the highlands up to the highest mountain close to 11,000 |
Madare.Maptà - Schimper Name (The fruits of Mapta are fleshy, yellow, oval, round, ¾ inch large, the leaves are yellow-green very oval-shaped and 1 to 1½ inches large and leathery) |
Fruit of Dobera glabra (Forssk.) Poir. In FEE Vol. 3: 353 (1989) |
Salvadoraceae |
Maga (Mogai) -Schimper Name |
garas (Som, Afar, Saho), gersa (Tre, Tya), ḱaras (Som) in FEE: Vol. 3: 609 (1989) |
Malva |
Malva L. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 236 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Medicago species |
Medicago L. in FEE Vol. 3: 244 (1989) |
Fabaceae-Subsp. Papilionoideae |
?Meliaceae |
Korsema/Korsima- Schimper Name |
Melampyrum |
Not in FEE |
?Lamiaceae |
Melica |
Meliaceae is a tribe of the Family Poaceaea in FEE Vol. 7: 29 (1995) including 8 genera |
Poaceae |
Jeman-barre - Schimper Name |
M.[elilotus] officinalis |
Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb. in FEE Vol. 3: 245 (1989) with M. officinalis sensu auctt., non (L.) Pallas as a synonym. |
Fabaceae-Subsp. Papilionoideae |
Melilotus |
Melilotus Mill. in FEE Vol. 3: 245 (1989) |
Fabaceae-Subsp. Papilionoideae |
Mentha (with a long peak bloom, which is not aromatic. Vulgar Name: Samhal Rowa meaning shore Mentha) |
Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson in FEE Vol. 5: 551 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Samhal Rowa - Schimper Name |
samhal-bowa (Tya) in FEE Vol. 5: 551, 669 (2006) |
Mentha (highly aromatic species, that grows not far from there in less wet regions and in fallow fields) |
Mentha pulegium L. in FEE Vol. 5: 551 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Samhal baita - Schimper Name |
samhal-beita (Tya) in FEE Vol. 5: 551, 669 (2006) |
Mercurialis |
in FEE Vol. 2(2): 295 (1995) |
Mamordica |
Momordica in FEE 2(2): 52 (1995) |
Cucurbitaceae |
Microrhynchus octophyllus |
Launea petitiana (A. Rich.) N. Kilian in FEE Vol. 4(2): 61 (2004)with Microrhynchus octophyllus Hochst., nom. nod. |
Milium |
Poaceae |
Mushroom |
Kantischerra (tig); Ungudai (Amh) - Schimper Name |
Momordica Adoensis | |
Coccinia adoensis (Hochst. exA. Rich.) Cogn. in FEE 2(2): 52 (1995) with Momordica adoensis A. Rich. As a synonym |
Cucurbitaceae |
Endotach - Schimper Name |
Not in FEE 2(2):(1995) |
Momordica |
Momordica in FEE 2(2): 52 (1995) |
Cucurbitaceae |
Of Dschitsch-Dschitsch - Schimper Name |
Not in FEE 2(2): (1995) |
Monsonia angustifolia | |
Monsonia angustifolia A. Rich. Vol 2(1): 369 (2000) |
Geraniaceae |
Musa Sapientum |
Musa paradisiaca L. in FEE Vol. 6: 321 (1997) with Musa sapientum L. |
Musaceae |
banana, plantain (Eng) in FEE Vol. 6: 321, 553 (1997) |
Mus - Schimper Name |
muz (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 321, 553 (1997) |
Tigraic language Kandischerra, in the Amharic language Ungudai |
Albizia aff. |
Fabaceae |
Musenna - Schimper Name |
Myrtus communis |
Myrtus communis L. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 71, 73 (1995) |
Myrtaceae |
Ades - Schimper Name |
ades (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 71, 426 (1995) |
A large shrub, probably belonging to the Myrtaceae, by its very long, thin branches, has a form not unlike a Melaleuca (M.[elaleuca] Leucodendron is a small tree that grows on some islands in the ocean) |
Myrtaceae |
Zada Gossli - Schimper Name |
Name not found in in FEE Vol. 2(2): (1995) including the Family Myrtaceae |
A small shrub of the Myrtaceae, 2 to 4 feet high, whose Tigraic name is Zaze |
Myrtaceae |
Zazei; Zatze - Schimper Name |
Name not found in in FEE Vol. 2(2): (1995) including the Family Myrtaceae |
Nardus |
Oropetinum thomaeum (L.f.) Trin. In FEE Vol. 7: 98 (1995) with Nardus thomaea L.f. As a synonym |
Poaceae |
Narea Cororima (genus name not recognized in Maberley's Plant Book (2008) |
?Aframomum corrorima (Braun) Jansen in FEE Vol. 6 (325) 1997 |
?Zingiberaceae |
korerima (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 325, 549 (1997) |
Nasturtium officinale |
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek In FEE Vol. 2(1): 146 (2000) with Nasturtium officinale R. Br as a synonym |
Brassicaceae |
Nasturtium |
Rorippa Scop. In FEE Vol. 2(1): 146 (2000) with Nasturtium R. Br as a synonym |
Brassicaceae |
Nawi - Schimper Name |
Nicotiana Tabacum |
Nicotina tabacum L. in FEE Vol. 5: 106 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
Tombacho - Schimper Name |
tembaho (Amh, Tya), tinbako (Tya) in FEE Vol. 5: 106, 669 (2006) |
Nicotiana (one species is bright red flowering and reaches the height of 3 to 6 feet, this species is called Tombacho Tigrai) |
Solanaceae |
Tombacho Tigrai - Schimper Name |
Nidorella |
Nidorella Cass in FEE Vol. 4(2): 216 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Nigella |
Nigella sativa L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 31, 32 (2000) |
Ranunculaceae |
black cumin, garden nigelle (Eng) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 31, 488 (2000) |
Awosetta - Schimper Name |
awesda (Amh, Tya.); tqur azmud (Amh) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 31, 488 (2000) |
Nymphea coerulea |
Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f. var. caerulea (Sav.) Verdc. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 40 (2000) with Nymphaea caerulea Savigny as a synonym |
Nymphaceae |
Odina fruticosa | |
Lannea fruticosa (A.Rich.) FEE Vol. 3: 518 (1989) with Odina fruticosa A. Rich. as synonym |
Anacardiaceae |
Dukdukenna - Schimper Name |
dgwdgwnna (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 518,612 (1989) |
Odina schimperi | |
Lannea schimperi (A. Rich.) Engl. in FEE Vol. 3: 516 (1989) with Odina schimperi A. Rich. as a synonym |
Dukdukenna - Schimper Name |
dgwdgwnna (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 516, 612 (1989) |
O.[dina] triphylla | |
Lannea triphylla (A. Rich.) Engl. in FEE Vol. 3: 514 (1989) with Odina triphylla A. Rich. as a synonym |
Dukdukan -Schimper Name |
abdo (Tya), dugna (Agew) in FEE Vol. 3: 514, 612 (1989) |
Odina species |
Lannea in FEE Vol. 3: 514 (1989) |
Olea Europaea ? or |
Olea europaea L. subsp. cuspidata (Wall. ex G.Don) Ciffferi in FEE Vol. 4(1): 79, 80 (2003) |
Oleaceae |
Olea, Tigraic Aule, Amharic Woyera - Schimper Name |
awl'i (Tya)in FEE Vol. 4(1): 79, 336 (2003) |
Olea Oleifera |
Name not cited in the FEE Olea europaeai in FEE Vol. 4(1): 79, 80, 336 (2003) |
Oleaceae |
Olea, Tigraic Aule, Amharic Woyera - Schimper Name |
awl'i (Tya)in FEE Vol. 4(1): 79, 336 (2003) |
Olea |
Olea europaea L. subsp. cuspidata (Wall. ex G.Don) Ciffferi in FEE Vol. 4(1): 79, 80 (2003) |
Oleaceae |
Tigraic: Aulé, Amharic: Woyera - Schimper Name |
awl'i (Tya)in FEE Vol. 4(1): 79, 336 (2003) |
Ononis Cherleri |
Onopordum |
Not recorded in FEE Volumes |
Denter - Schimper Name |
Orchids (common name used for members of the Family Orchidaceae in FEE Vol. 6: 193 (1997) |
Ophris |
Ophrys L. is a genus in Orchidaceae, but not known from Ethiopia |
Orchidaceae |
Ornithogal[um] |
Ornithogalum L. in FEE Vol. 6: 146 (1997) |
Hyacinthaceae |
Orobanche |
Orobanche L. in FEE 5: 310 (2006) |
Orobanchaceae |
Osiris |
Osyris quadripartita Decn. in FEE Vol. 3: 382, 383 (1989) |
Santalaceae |
Garaz - Schimper Name |
ḱeres (Tya), qeres (Amh, Tya), qeret (Amh); |
Osiris (used for dyeing red during the tanning of leather |
Osyris quadripartita Decn. in FEE Vol. 3: 382, 383 (1989) |
Santalaceae |
Oxalis anthelmintica |
Oxalis anthelmintica A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 385 (2000) |
oxalidaceae |
Haba Tschoko (in the Amharic language: Mitschamitscho) - Schimper Name |
habi çgo (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 385, 488 (2000) |
Oxalis anthelmintica |
Oxalis anthelmintica A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 385 (2000) |
oxalidaceae |
Haba Tschoko (Tya) - Schimper Name |
habi çgo (Tya), mçmço (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 385, 488 (2000) |
Oxalis corniculata |
Oxalis corniculata L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 382 (2000) |
oxalidaceae |
Oxalis obliquifolia | |
Oxalis obliquifolia A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 385 (2000) |
oxalidaceae |
Oxalis procumbeus | |
Oxalis procumbens Steud. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 384 (2000) |
oxalidaceae |
Panicum | |
Panicum L. In FEE, Vol. 7: 196 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Paronychia |
Paronychia ? bryoides A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 201 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Parvetta Abyssinica | |
Pavetta abyssinica Fresen. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 264 (2003) |
Rubiaceae |
Maukdet (Maukdat.)- Schimper Name |
dingayseber, kamadua (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 264, 336 (2003) |
Pavetta gardeniaefolia | |
Pavetta gardeniifolia A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 265 (2003) |
Rubiaceae |
Maukdet (Maukdat.)- Schimper Name |
kamaduwa (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 265, 336 (2003) |
Pavetta gardinaefolia | |
Pavetta gardeniifolia A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 265 (2003) |
Rubiaceae |
Maukda - Schimper Name |
kamaduwa (Amh) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 265, 336 (2003) |
Pavonia Schimperiana | |
Pavonia schimperianaHochst. exA. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 228, 229, 427 (1995) or Pavonia burchellii (DC.) Dyer in FEE Vol. 2(2): 225, 427 (1995) or Pavonia urens Cav. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 228, 427 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Hamat Sugott - Schimper Name |
ĥamat šgot (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 228, 229, 427 (1995) |
Pavonia species | |
Pavonia schimperiana Hochst. exA. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 228, 229 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Zada Bauach - Schimper Name |
Pavonia species |
Pavonia Cav. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 224 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Pelargonium species |
Pelargonium multibracteatum Hochst. exA. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 373 (2000) |
Geraniaceae |
Dobossom - Schimper Name |
Sa'da debesom, debesom (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 373, 488 (2000) |
Pelarganium species |
Pelargonium multibracteatum Hochst. exA. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 373 (2000) |
Geraniaceae |
Zada Dobossom, meaning White Dobossom - Schimper Name |
Sa'da debesom, debesom (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 373, 488 (2000) |
Persica vulgaris |
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch in FEE Vol. 3: 41, 42 (1989) with Persica vulgaris Miller as a synonym |
Rosaceae |
peach (Eng) in FEE Vol. 3: 41, 42, 615 (1989) |
Kuch, also Kok - Schimper Name |
kuḱw (Tya), kok (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 41, 42, 615 (1989) |
Phagnalon hypoleucum | |
Phagnalon abyssinicum Sch. Bip. Ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 163 (2004) with Phagnalon hypoleucum Sch. Bip. ex.Oliv. & Hiern nom illegit. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Phaseolus |
Phaseolus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 614 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Phaseolus |
Phaseolus L. spp. in FEE Vol. 3: 614 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilonoideae |
Tigraic Name: Adagora, Amharic Name: Adungari - Schimper Name |
adagwra (Tya), adangwarrie, adengwarrie (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 614 (1989) |
Philenoptera schimperi |
Lonchocarpus laxiflorus Guill.& Petr. in FEE Vol. 3: 104 (1989) with Philenoptera schimperi Hochst. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Phleum species |
Phleum L. In FEE, Vol. 7: 53 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Sia (oder Sièh) - Schimper Name |
? Phlomis species (has white, narrow leaves and whose flowers are half white and half yellow and velvety) |
Lamiaceae |
Dschondok- Schimper Name |
? Phlomis species |
Otostegia fruticosa (Forssk.) Schweinf. ex Penzig in FEE Vol. 5: 540 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Sassa - Schimper Name |
sasa (Tya) in FEE Vol. 5: 540, 676 (2006) |
Phlomis species |
Phlomis species in FEE Vol. 5 are included under the genus Leonotis (Pers.) R. Br. in FEE Vol. 5: 548, 549 (2006) and the genus Leucas R.Br. in FEE Vol. 5: 545, 546 |
Lamiaceae |
?Phoenix dactylifera ( so does not, unlike the Date palm, love hot regions) |
Arecaceae |
Date |
Sia (See). |
Physalis somnifera |
Physalis peruviana L. in FEE Vol. 5: 153 (2006) with Physalis somnifera auct., non L., 153 as a synonym |
Solanaceae |
Physalis |
Physalis in FEE Vol. 5: 113 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
Picris Abyssinica | |
Picris abyssinica Soh. Bip. In FEE Vol. 4(2): 72 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Picridium arabicum |
Reichardia Roth. In Mabberley's Plant-Book 730 (2008) |
Asteraceae |
Pinguicula L. |
Possibly in the genus Utricularia L. in FEE Vol. 5: 315 (2006), the genus Pinguicula is not recorded in FEE |
Lentibulariaceae |
Phytolacca (TREE) |
Phytolaccaceae |
Tambuch - Schimper Name |
Phytolacca (Another species) | |
Phytolacca dodecandra in FEE Vol. 2(1): 274 (2000) |
Phytolaccaceae |
Tigraic Schebti, Amharic Andott |
shbţi (Tya), 'ndod (Amh.) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 274, 488, 489 (2000) |
Phytolacca (Schebti.)] | |
Phytolacca dodecandra in FEE Vol. 2(1): 274 (2000) |
Phytolaccaceae |
shbţi (Tya), 'ndod (Amh.) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 274, 488, 489 (2000) |
Pinus pinea |
Pinus pinea is also called Italian Stone Pine, not recorded under the genus Pinus in FEE Vol. 1: 200 (209) |
Pinaceae |
Pisum arvense |
Pisum sativum L. var. abyssinicum (A. Br.) Alef. in FEE Vol. 3: 248 (1989) with P. abyssinicum A. Br. and abyssinicum (A. Br.) Alef. ex Engl. as synonyms |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Tigraic language: Ain Ater, in Amharic: Ater - Schimper Name |
āyni-āter (Tya), ater (Amh), in FEE Vol. 3: 248, 615 (1989) |
Pisum sativum |
Pisum sativum L. var. satvum in FEE Vol. 3: 248 (1989) 248 |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Tigraic language: Ain Ater, in Amharic: Ater - Schimper Name |
āyni-āter (Tya), ater (Amh), in FEE Vol. 3: 248, 615 (1989) |
Plantago Brauni |
Not recorded under the genus Plantago in FEE Volume 5: 34-36 (2006) |
Plantaginaceae |
Plantago all types) |
Plantaginaceae |
Dannak - Schimper Name |
Poa Abyssinica | |
Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter in EEE Vol. 7: 125 (1995) with Poa abyssinica Jacq. As a synonym |
Poaceae |
Tef (Eng) in EEE Vol. 7: 125, 403 (1995) |
Taf (Tĭaf) (Tèf) (Schimper Name) |
Taf (Tya), Tief (Am) in EEE Vol. 7: 125, 403 (1995) |
Poa species | |
Eragrostis papposa in EEE Vol. 7: 122 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Tef (Eng) in EEE Vol. 7: 125, 403 (1995) |
Taf-Tafu (Schimper Name) meaning the Taf of the Taf (Tef of the Tef) |
Taf Tafo (Tya)) in EEE Vol. 7: 1252, 403 (1995) |
Poa species |
Eragrostis ? tenella in EEE Vol. 7: 113, 403 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Taf Sakroi meaning (Schimper Name) Taf of the guinea fowl |
Taf Zagra (Tya) in EEE Vol. 7: 1113, 403 (1995) - Jigra in Amharic means Guinea fowl |
Polycarpon tetraphyllum |
Polycarpon tetrapbyllum (L.) L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 203 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Polygala Adoensis | |
Polygala rupicola A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 185 (2000) with Polygala abyssinica Fresen. var. adoensis Chod. as a synonym |
Polygalaceae |
Polygala punctulata | |
Polygala persicariifolia DC. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 184 (2000) with P. persicariifolia var. punctulata Chod. as a synonym |
Polygalaceae |
Polygala rupicola | |
Polygala rupicola A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 185, 186 (2000) |
Polygalaceae |
Polygala sphenoptera |
Polygala sphenoptera Fresen. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 180, 181 (2000) |
Polygalaceae |
Polygala tetrasepala |
Not included under Polygala L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 177-188 (2000) |
Polygalaceae |
Polygala species |
Polygala L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 177 (2000) |
Polygalaceae |
Polygonum |
Celosia anthelminthica Asch. in Schweinf. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 300, 301 (2000) |
Polygonaceae |
Bellbilda - Schimper Name |
blblda (Tigre) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 300, 301, 493 (2000) |
Polygonum |
Polygonum L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 341 (2000) |
Polygonaceae |
Portulaca |
Portulaca L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 252 (2000) |
Portulacaceae |
Potamogeton | |
Potamogeton L. in FEE Vol. 6: 19 (1997) |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potentilla |
Potentilla L. in FEE Vol. 3: 36 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Primula verticillata |
Primula verticillata Forssk. in FEE Vol. 5: 27 (2006) |
Primulaceae |
Primula |
Primula L. in FEE Vol. 5: 27 (2006) |
Primulaceae |
Pterolobium Abyssinicum |
Pterolobium stellatum (Forssk.] Brenan in FEE Vol. 3: 54, 615 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. |
Tigraic Gonndeftafé, in Amharic Gandaffa - Schimper Name |
qentaffa (Amh), qwenteftefe (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3:54, 615 (1989) |
Ptychostigma saxifragum |
Galiniera saxifraga (Hochst.) Bridson in FEE Vol. 4(1): 258, 259 (2003) with Ptychostigma saxifraga (Hochst.) Hochst., nom. illeg. as a synonym |
Rubiaceae |
Amharic Vulgar Name: Dangija Sabber, |
buna-mesay, soliye, tota-kula in FEE Vol. 4(1): 258, 334 (2003). However, the name dingayseber (Amh) is used for - Pavetta abyssinica in FEE Vol. 4(1): 264 (2003) |
Pulegium |
May be in reference to Mentha pulegium L. In FEE Vol. 5: 551 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Punica granatum |
Punica granatum L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 395 (2000) |
Punicaceae |
Roman - Schimper Name |
roman (Amh)in FEE Vol. 2(1): 395, 489 (2000) |
Pycnocycla Abyssinica |
Pycnocycla glauca Lindl. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 7 (2003) with P. abyssinica Hochst. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Quercus pedunculata (Brayera anthelmintica is one of the most beautiful trees through its habitus, foliage and very large flower clusters, of the same size as a medium large German oak, Quercus pedunculata, see page 78r) |
Ranunculus aquatilis |
Ranunculus aquatilis (common water-crowfoot, white water-crowfoot) is a plant species of the genus Ranunculus, native throughout most of Europe and western North America, and also northwest Africa, not recorded in the genus Ranunculus in FEE Vol. 2(1): 24(2000) |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunc[ulus] dertropodius | |
Ranunculus tembensis Fresen. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 28 (2000) with ? Ranunculus dertropodius Steud. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus striatus | |
Ranunculus multifidus Forssk. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 27 (2000) with Ranunculus striatus Hochst. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus tenuirostris |
Not recorded under the genus Ranunculus in FEE Vol. 2(1): 24 (2000) |
Ranunculaceae |
Hamli Kuwo - Schimper Name |
?Aloe or Kniphofia |
Reed Aloe with a yellow flower is only about 1 foot high, found in swampy meadows. |
Repens |
Reseda or Gaylusea abyssinica | |
Resedaceae |
Marrerett - Schimper Name |
Rhamnus panciflorus | |
Rhamnus prinoides L'Herit. in FEE Vol. 3: 390 (1989) with R. pauciflorus Hochst. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Rhamnaceae |
Tyaraic name Gasche, Amharic name Gässo - Schimper Name |
giesho (Amh, Tya), gieso (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 390, 616 (1989) |
Rhamnus panciflorus | |
Rhamnus prinoides L'Herit. in FEE Vol. 3: 390 (1989) with R. pauciflorus Hochst. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Rhamnaceae |
Vulgar Name: Gasso, also Gascho - Schimper Name |
giesho (Amh, Tya), gieso (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 390, 616 (1989) |
Rhamnus Zaddo |
Rhamnus staddo A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 3: 390 (1989) |
Rhamnaceae |
Zaddo - Schimper Name |
şeddo (Amh. Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 390, 616 (1989) |
Rhus retinorrhaea (perennial) | |
Rhus retinorrhoea Oliv. in FEE Vol. 3: 529 (1989) |
Anacardiaceae |
Dedalo - Schimper Name |
teta'lo (Tya), tlem (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 529, 616 (1989) |
Rhus undulatum |
Anacardiaceae |
Rhus villosum (tree) |
Rhus vulgaris Meikle in FEE Vol. 3: 529 (1989) with R. villosa var. tomentosa Oliv. And R. villosa sensu auct., non L.f. as synonyms |
Anacardiaceae |
Manki - Schimper Name |
atame (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 529 (1989) |
Rhus |
Rhus sp. in FEE Vol. 3: 521 (1989) |
Anacardiaceae |
Dedalo, Manki - Schimper Name |
in FEE Vol. 3: 529 (1989) |
Ricinus communis |
Ricinus communis L. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 293 (1995) |
Euphorbiaceae |
castorbean, castor oiltree (Eng) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 293, 427 (1995) |
Gulai - Schimper Name |
guIi (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(2): 293, 427 (1995) |
Rosa Abyssinica |
Rosa abyssinica Lindley in FEE Vol. 3: 35 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
abyssinian rose (Eng) in FEE Vol. 3: 35, 616 (1989) |
Gaga - Schimper Name |
gaq`a (Tya); qega (Amh) in FEE Vol. 3: 35, 616 (1989) |
Rosa sancta |
Rosa x richardii Rehd. in FEE Vol. 3: 35 (1989) with R. sancta A. Rich. |
Rosaceae |
R.[osa]] Schimperiana |
Rosa abyssinica Lindley in FEE Vol. 3: 35 (1989) with R. schimperiana Hochst. As a synonym |
Rosaceae |
Rosa species |
Rosa L. in FEE Vol. 3: 35 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Rhynchosia tuberosa |
Not under the genus Rhynchosia in FEE Vol. 3: 181-189 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
c |
?Crassulaceae |
Rubia cordifolia |
Rubia cordifolia in FEE Vol. 4(1): 234 (2003) |
Rubiaceae |
Tigraic Sechenen, in the Amharic language Minscherir - Schimper Name |
zaknen (Tya), ençber, monçrer (Am) in FEE Vol. 4(1): 234, 337 (2003) |
Rubia (which has some similarity with Rubia tinctorum) |
Rubia L .in FEE Vol. 4(1): 234 (2003) |
Rubiaceae |
Göha - Schimper Name |
Rubus exsuccus R. exsuccus A. Rich. (1847) - type: GD, Simien, Mt. Aber near Dschenausa, Schimper 11:867 (Pholo., BM K syn.). Mt. Aber near Dschenausa, Schimper 11:867 (P holo., BM K syn.). | |
Rubus apetalus Poir. In FE Vol. 3: 34 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Rubus |
Rubus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 31 (1989) |
Rosaceae |
Oiseria - Schimper Name |
njorie (Amh), kwesheshlla (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3: 31, 616 (1989) |
Rumex species | |
Rumex abyssinicus Jacq. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 338 (2000): |
Polygonaceae |
Mekmoko - Schimper Name |
meqmeqo (Amh), meq'moqo (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 338, 489 (2000) |
R.[umex] acetosella | |
Rumex abyssinicus Jacq. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 338 (2000) |
Polygonaceae |
Mekmoko - Schimper Name |
meqmeqo (Amh), meq'moqo (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 338, 489 (2000) |
Rumex |
Rumex nervosus Vahl in FEE Vol. 2(1): 339 (2000) |
Polygonaceae |
Hachot - Schimper Name |
ħeħot, asot (Tya) in FEE Vol. 2(1): 339, 489 (2000) |
Rumex species (Rheum??) |
Rumex nepalensis Spreng. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 338 (2000) |
Polygonaceae |
Vulgar Name: Tigraic Schombobada, Amharic Dult - Schimper Name |
shmboba'ta (Tya), tult (Amh); n FEE Vol. 2(1): 338, 489 (2000) |
Rumex species |
Rumex nepalensis Spreng. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 338 (2000) |
Polygonaceae |
Schombobada - Schimper Name |
shmboba'ta (Tya), tult (Amh); n FEE Vol. 2(1): 338, 489 (2000) |
Ruta graveolens L. (Often misnamed as R. graveolens L. which has not been recorded in Ethiopia see FE Vol. 3: 420 (1989) |
Ruta chalepensis L. in FE Vol. 3: 419 (1989) |
Rutaceae |
Dschenadam - Schimper Name |
cena-addam (Tya); tiena-addam (Amh) in FE Vol. 3:419, 616, 617) |
Ruta |
Ruta L. in FE Vol. 3: 419 (1989) |
Rutaceae |
Sagina |
Sagina L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 212 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
EndataWalcha - Schimper Name {Endata means Linum and Walcha denotes a temporarily humid plain} |
Salix |
Salix subserrata in FE Vol. 3: 258 (1989) |
Salicaceae |
Goha - Schimper Name |
ahaya (Amh), kwiha (Tig) in FE Vol. 3: 258, 617 (1989) |
Salvia | |
salvia schimperi Benth. In FEE Vol. 5: 560, 561 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Mai Sendedo - Schimper Name |
mai-sendedo, sada qusili (Tya) In FEE Vol. 5: 560, 561, 671 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Sessak Süwi (meaning hyenas Salvia) - Schimper Name |
Salvia officinallis |
Ocimum basilicum l. In FEE Vol. 5: 571 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Sessak - Schimper Name |
sesak, sesak (Tya) In FEE Vol. 5: 571, 669 (2006) |
Salvia officinallis |
Ocimum basilicum l. In FEE Vol. 5: 571 (2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Tigraic language Sessak, inAmharic language Ja Saga Gawia - Schimper Name |
sesak, sesak (Tya) In FEE Vol. 5: 571, 669 (2006) |
Salvia (tuberosa ?) |
Solanum tuberosum L. In FEE Vol. 5: 123 (2006) |
Lamiaceae/Solanaceae |
Dennitsch - Schimper Name |
denich (Amh) In FEE Vol. 5: 123, 671 (2006) |
Anacardiaceae (perrenial) |
Saoria - Schimper Name |
The large perennial - called Saoria here - was already mentioned above158 |
Sari Gabra Marejam/Sari amesalo in 8V(2) |
Poaceae |
Sari Gabra Marejam/Sari amesalo in 8V(2) |
Schungurti Süwi (Schimper Name) |
Satureja |
Lamiaceae |
Scabiosa columbaria |
Scabiosa columbaria in FEE 4(1): 287 (2003) |
Dipsacaceae |
Scilla |
Hyacinthaceae |
Scilla species which have similarly sized bulbs |
Hyacinthaceae |
Scirpus |
Cyperaceae |
Saddi - Schimper Name (at Easter this latter species has the Vulgar Name: Gitscha. |
Scleranthus annuus |
Scleranthus annuus L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 203 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Scorpiurus subrillosa |
Scorpiurus muricatus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 227, 229 (1989) is the only species in Ethiopia. S. subrillosa is not recorded in FEE Vol. 3: 227, 229 (1989) ) |
Fabaceae |
Sempervivum Abyssinicum |
Hypagophytum abyssinicum (A. Rich.) Berger in FE Vol. 3: 10 (1989) with Sempervivum abyssinicum A. Rich. As a synonym |
Crassulaceae |
Sempervivum chrysanthum |
Aeonium leucoblepharum A. Rich. in FE Vol. 3: 16(1989) with Sempervivum chrysanthum Britten as a synonym |
Crassulaceae |
S.[enecio] Abyssinicus |
Emilia abyssinica (Sch. Bip. Ex A. Rich.) C. Jeffrey I n FEE Vol. 4(2): 254 (2004) with Senecio abyssinicus Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Senecio [insert: cinerarius?] |
Senecio cineraria DC. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 235 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Zadat in Tigraic |
zatet (Tya) is Picris abyssinica (72) |
Senecio clematoides |
Mikaniopsis clematoides (Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich.) Milne-Redh. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 263 (2004) with Senecio clematoides Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. |
Asteraceae |
Senecio farinaceus | |
Senecio farinaceus Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. In FEE Vol. 4(2): 240, 241 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
S.[enecio] Hochstetteri |
Senecio hochstetteri Sch. Bip. ex A Rich. .In FEE Vol. 4(2): 241, 243 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Senecio lyratipartitus |
Senecio Iyratus Forssk. iIn FEE Vol. 4(2): 246 (2004) with Senecio Iyratipartitus Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Asteraceae |
S.[enecio] macropappus |
.In FEE Vol. 4(2):259 (2004) with Senecio macropappus Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Senecio nanus, |
Senecio nanus Sch. Bip. ex A Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 241, 243 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
S.[enecio] Schimperi |
S. schimperi Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 241, 245 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
S.[enecio] subscandens |
Solanecio angulatus (Vahl) C. Jeffrey in FEE Vol. 4(2): 249 (2004) with Senecio subscandens Hochst. ex A. Rich. as a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Senecio tuberosus |
Solanaceo tuberosus (Sch. Bip. Ex A. Rich.) C. Jeffrey In FEE Vol. 4(2): 250 (2004) with Senecio tuberosus Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Asteraceae |
Hambascha - Schimper Name |
mbasha (Tya) In FEE Vol. 4(2): 250, 399 (2004) |
Senecio |
.In FEE Vol. 4(2): 90 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Zăda - Schimper Name |
Acacia species[8] | |
Acacia etbaica Schweinf. in FE Vol. 3: 88 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae |
Serow in Tigray - Schimper Name |
seraw (Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 88, 602 (1989) |
S. [esbania] filiformis |
Not in FE Vol. 3: 139-140 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Sesbania punctata |
Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. Var. nubica Chiov. in FE Vol. 3: 140 (1989) with Sesbania punctata sensu Cuf. As a synonym |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
|||||| |
Ficus thonningii Blume in FE Vol. 3: 298 (1989) |
Moraceae |
Schizocalyx coriaceus | |
Dobera glabra (Forssk.) Poir. In FEE Vol. 3: 353 (1989) with Schizocalyx coriaceus Hochst. As a synonym |
Salvadoraceae |
Scorpiurus subrillosa |
Scorpiurus L. in FEE Vol. 3: 227 (1989), but not the species S. subbrillosa |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Sedum | |
Sedum L. in FEE Vol. 3: 1o (1989) |
Crassulaceae |
Sesame |
Sesamum orientale L. in in Vol. 5: 340 (2006) |
Pedaliaceae |
sesame, oriental sesame (Eng) in in Vol. 5: 340, 671 (2006) |
Sesbania punctata |
Sesbania sesban (L.) Mer. var. nubica Chiov. In FEE Vol. 3:140 (1989) with Sesbania punctata sensu Cuf. 1955, in part non. DC. |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Setaria (viridis?) | |
Setaria verticillata (L.) P. Beauv. In FEE Vol. 7: 236, 237 (1995) with Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. var. insularis \ Terrace. inAnn. 1st. Bot. Roma S: 93 (1893) as a synonym. |
Poaceae |
Sida riparia | |
Sida rhombifolia L. in FEE Voi. 2(2): 254 (1995) with S. riparia Hochst (1842), nom. nud. As a synonym |
Malvaceae |
Sida Schimperiana |
Sida schimperiana Hochst. Ex A. Rich. in FEE Voi. 2(2): 251 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Sida |
Sida L. in FEE Voi. 2(2): 248 (1995) |
Malvaceae |
Silene nutans |
Not in FEE Vol. 2(1): (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene | |
Silene L. in FEE Vol. 2(1): 222 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Sare Saro - Schimper Name |
Not in FEE Vol. 2(1): (2000) |
Sinapis nigra (?) |
Brassica nigra (L.) Koch in FEE 2(1): 123 (2000) |
Brassicaceae |
Senafitsch - Schimper Name |
senafc (Amh, Tya) in FEE 2(1): 123, 484 (2000) |
Smithia Abyssinica | |
Smithia abyssinica (A. Rlch.} Verdc. in FEE Vol. 3: 145, 146 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Solanum dulcamara |
Not in FEE in Vol. 5: 111- 146 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
Solanum dulcamara? |
Not in FEE in Vol. 5: 111- 146 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
Solanum species |
Solanum L. in FEE in Vol. 5: 111 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
Solanum species |
Solanum L. in FEE in Vol. 5: 111 (2006) |
Solanaceae |
Sonchus lactucoides |
Sonchus bipontini Asch. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 66 (2004) with Sonchus lactucoides Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich., nom. illegit., non Bunge |
Asteraceae |
Sonchus oleraceus |
Sonchus oleraceus L. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 68, 69 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Sonchus species |
Sonchus L. in FEE Vol. 4(2): 65 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Sorghum |
Sorghum bicolor in FEE Vol. 7: 405 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Broom Corn, Guinea Corn, Sorghum, White Sorghum (Eng.) in FEE Vol. 7: 299, 405 (1995) |
Sorghum |
Sorghum bicolor in FEE Vol. 7: 405 (1995) |
Poaceae |
Broom Corn, Guinea Corn, Sorghum, White Sorghum (Eng.) in FEE Vol. 7: 299, 405 (1995) |
Sorghum |
Poaceae |
S.[pergula] pentandra |
Caryophyllaceae |
Spergularia |
Caryophyllaceae |
Sphaeranthus indicus | |
Sphaeranthus suaveolens (Forssk.) DC.var. abyssinicus (Steetz) Ross-Craig in FEE Vol. 4(2): 153 (2004) With Sphaeranthus indicus S. indicus auct., non L., quoad Schimper 219. as asynonym |
Asteraceae |
Sphaeranthus indicus | |
Sphaeranthus suaveolens (Forssk.) DC.var. abyssinicus (Steetz) Ross-Craig in FEE Vol. 4(2): 153 (2004) With Sphaeranthus indicus S. indicus auct., non L., quoad Schimper 219. as asynonym |
Asteraceae |
Spilantes Abyssınica |
with Spilanthes abyssinica Sch Bip. ex A. Rich., 288 |
Asteraceae |
Spondias birrea |
Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich.) Hochst. in Flora of Ethiopia Vol. 3: 519 (1989) |
Anacardiaceae |
Stapelia |
Asclepiadaceae |
Steganotoenia Araliacea? |
Steganotaenia araliacea Hochst. exA. Rich. in FEE Vol. 4(1): 37 |
Araliaceae |
Stellaria |
Stellaria L. In FEE Vol. 2(1): 217 (2000) |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stephania Schimperi | |
Stephania abyssinica (Dillon & A. Rich.) Walp. In FEE Vol. 2(1): 51 (2000) |
Menispermaceae |
Sturmia |
Sturmia is a genus of flies in the family Tachinidae |
Subba (Sobha). |
Synantheren |
A tribe in the Family Asteraceae |
Asteraceae |
Synanthere |
A tribe in the Family Asteraceae |
Asteraceae |
Synantheres tribe |
A tribe in the Family Asteraceae |
Asteraceae |
Syzygium Guineense | |
Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC. In FEE Vol. 2(2): 77 (1995) |
Myrtaceae |
Tamarix gallica |
Tamarix nilotica (Ehrenb.) Bunge Flora Ethiopia and Eritrea Vol. 2(2): 4; 428 (1995) |
Tamaricaceae |
|||||| |
Eragrostis teff |
Poaceae |
Tephrosia decidua |
Tephrosia pentaphylla (Roxb.) G. Don. with Tephrosia decidua Steud. Ex A. Rich. as a synonym in FEE Vol. 3: 112 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Terebinth-like |
Artemisia ? absinthium L. FEE Vol. 4(2): 223, 224 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
? Teucrium |
Lamiaceae |
Abu Neddia - Scimper Name |
Thalictrum aquilegifolium |
Not in FEE Vol. 5: 553 (2006) |
Ranunculaceae |
Thalictrum longepedunculatum |
Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Dill. & A. Rich. 2(1): 21 (2000) with T. longipedunculum Hochst. ex Steud. nom. nud. As a synonym |
Ranunculaceae |
Thymus Serphyllum |
Thymus schimperi Ronniger subsp. schimperi in FEE Vol. 5: 553 (2006) with Thymus serphyllum as a synonym sensu benth. |
Lamiaceae |
Thymus species (all) |
Thymus schimperi Ronniger in FEE Vol. 5: 552 (2006) and Thymus serrulatus Hochst ex A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 5: 553(2006) |
Lamiaceae |
Tesne - Scimper Name |
tenni ,(Tya), tosign (Amh) in FEE Vol. 5: 552, 553, 671 (2006); tesni in Nigist & Sebsebe, Aromatic Plants of Ethiopia p. (2009) |
Tragium hirtellum | |
Pimpinella hirtella (Hochst.) A. Rich. In FEE Vol. 4 (1): 30 with Tragium hirtellum Hochst. as a synonym |
Apiaceae |
Trifolium species |
Trifolium species in FE Vol. 3: 233 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Messi -Schimper Name |
Messi (Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 233, 618 (1989) |
Trifolium |
Trifolium species species in FE Vol. 3: 233 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Antro Gōhĕlla -Schimper Name |
Trifolium polystachium |
Trifolium polystachyum Fresen. in FE Vol. 3: 235, 236 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Trifolium procumbens |
Not in FEE Vol. 5: 233- (2006) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Trifolium simense |
Trifolium simense Fresen. in FE Vol. 3: 236 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Trifolium subrotundum | |
Trifolium rueppellianum Fresen. in FE Vol. 3: 238 (1989) with Trifolium subrotundum Steud. & Hochst. ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Trigonella caespitosa |
Not in FEE |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Trigonella foenum graecum |
TrlgoneIIa foenum-graecum L. In FE Vol. 3: 246, 247 (1989) |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
fenugreek (Eng) in FE Vol. 3: 246, 247, 618 (1989) |
Trigonella multinervis |
Trigonella multinervis Hochst. |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |
Trigonotheca serrata Hochst. | |
Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl. In FE Vol. 3: 340 (1989) |
Celastraceae |
khat (Eng) in FE Vol. 3: 340, 606 (1989) |
Triticum species Cultivated |
Triticum aestivum L. in FEE Vol. 7: 63, 406, (1995) |
Poaceae |
Bread wheat, Common wheat (Eng.) in FEE Vol. 7: 63, 406, (1995) |
Triumfetta | |
Triumfetta L. in FEE Vol. 2(2): 158 (1995) |
Tiliaceae |
Turdus (not included in Mabberley's Plant-Book (2008= |
Typha |
Typha domingensis in FEE 6: 385 (1997) and Typha latifolia in FEE 6: 383 (1997) |
Typhaceae |
bulrush, cat's tail, reedmace (Eng) in FEE 6: 383, 385, 554 (1997) |
Ubyaea Schimperi (in honour of Prince Ubyé, because he had been an extremely benevolent supporter of my work in Abyssinia) |
Haplocarpha schimperi (Sch. Rip.) Beauv. In FEE: 4(2): 112 (2004) with Ubiaea schimperi (Sch. Bip.) J. Gay ex A. Rich. As a synonym |
Umbella |
umbel (umbellate) - an inflorescence in which the pedicels of the flowers all arise from one point and the flowers are borne at one level; the umbels themselves may be arranged in an umbel called a compound umbel, as in the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
Apiaceae |
Antro Gōhĕlla -Schimper Name |
Umbella plants |
umbel (umbellate) - an inflorescence in which the pedicels of the flowers all arise from one point and the flowers are borne at one level; the umbels themselves may be arranged in an umbel called a compound umbel, as in the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
Apiaceae |
Umbellatus |
umbel (umbellate) - an inflorescence in which the pedicels of the flowers all arise from one point and the flowers are borne at one level; the umbels themselves may be arranged in an umbel called a compound umbel, as in the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
Umbilicus botryoides | |
Umbilicus botryoides A. Rich. in FEE Vol. 3: 16 (1989) |
Crassulaceae |
Umbilicus Semiensis |
Rosularia semiensis (A. Rich.) Ohba in FEE Vol. 3: 15 (1989) with Umbilicus semiensis A. Rich. as a synonym |
Crassulaceae |
Urtica |
Urtica urens L. in FEE Vol. 3 : 303 (1989)Or Giradinia diversifolia (Link) Friis in FEE Vol. 3 : 308 (1989) |
Urticaceae |
Dōwa - Schimper Name |
Doba (Tya) in FEE Vol. 3 : 303 , 319 and 308, 611 (1989) respectively |
Urtica L. in FEE Vol. 3: 303 (1989) |
Urticaceae |
Urtica L. in FEE Vol. 3: 303 (1989) |
Uzen Daua, meaning Calf Ear; Uzen means Ear and Daua is a larger calf, 1-2 years old |
Verbascum (that probably does not occur in Europe; it has very villous leaves, grows in shrubbery-free places) | |
? Verbascum sinaiticum Benth. with Verbascum ternacha Hochst. (1851) - type: TU, on Mt Dscheladscheranne, Schimper 621 (K holo.) as a synonym. |
Scrophulariaceae |
Ternacha - Schimper Name |
Verbascum |
Scrophulariaceae |
Ternācha- Schimper Name |
Virgilia aurea? |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Hezautz- Schimper Name |
Vernonia (2 species of this genus that are really branchy, rather large shrubs) | |
Vernonia hochtetteri Sch. Bip. ex Walp.In FEE Vol. 4(2): 90 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Soguale Ambassa/Soquale Ambassa - Schimper Name |
Vernonia (They are 3 to 6 feet tall, the wood stem is straight and vertical) is straight and verticall) | |
Vernonia unionis Sch. Bip. ex Walp. In FEE Vol. 4(2): 87 (2004) |
Asteraceae |
Soguale - Schimper Name |
Veronica | |
Scrophulariaceae |
Vicia | |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Bersem barracha - Schimper Name |
Vigna savi in FEE Vol. 3: 171 (1989) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Dolichos sericeus E. Mey in FEE Vol. 3: 179 (1989) and also Phaseolus (where the fruits are similar to beans) |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Vigna species | |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
Vigna species | |
vjgna unguiculata |
Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae |
cowpea (Eng) in FEE Vol. 3: 174, 619 (1989) |
Viscum nervosum | |
Viscum triflorum DC. subsp. nervosum (A. Rich.) M. Gilbert in FEE Vol. 3: 376 (1989) with Viscum nervosum A. Rich. As a synonym |
Viscaceae |
Vitis erythroides |
Rhoicissus tridentata (L. f.) Wild& Drummond in FE Vol. 3: 401 (1989) with Vitis erythrodes Fresen. As a synonym |
Vitaceae |
Vitis vinifera |
Vitis vinifera L. in FE Vol. 3: 399 (1989) |
Vitaceae |
in FE Vol. 3: 399, 619 (1989) |
Weini - Schimper Name |
weyn (Amh), weyni ( Tya); n FE Vol. 3: 399, 619 (1989) |
Xanthium Strumarium | |
Asteraceae |
Xeropetalum Brucéi |
Sterculiaceae |
Zellim Bauach. Zellim meaning black; epithet, which is used irrespective of the splendid white flowers because the wood bark has a dark colour |
Xeropetalum hirsutum |
Sterculiaceae |
Zellim Bauach - Schimper Name |
Zea Mays |
Zea mays in FEE Vol. 7: 365, 367, 406, (1995) |
Poaceae |
in FEE Vol. 7: 365, 367, 406, (1995) |
Tigraic language Maschilla bahari, in the Amharic language Ja Bahar Maschilla - Schimper Name |
Bahr Mashla, Yebahr Mashla (Amh), Mshela Baĥri (Tya) in FEE Vol. 7: 365, 367, 406, (1995) |
Zehneria |
Cucurbitaceae |
Zembĭa - Schimper name | |
Aristida adscensionis L. in FEE Vol. 7: 78 (1995) or Aristida hordeacea Kunth in FEE Vol. 7: 81 (1995) - Both share the same common names |
Poaceae |
Zembĭa - Schimper name |
Zumbia (Tya) in FEE Vol. 7: 412 (1995) |
Zanthoxylums |
Rutaceae |
Zingiber officinale |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe in FEE Vol. 6: 327, 329 (1997) |
Zingiberaceae |
Dschindschibill or also Dschingibill - Schimper Name |
zngbl (Amh, Tya) in FEE Vol. 6: 544 (1997) |
Zizyphus abyssinicus | |
Ziziphus abyssinica Hochst. exA. Rich. In FE Vol. 3: 395,396,397 (1989) |
Rhamnaceae |
Abattĕre - Schimper Name |
abettere (Amh & Tya); geba-adgi (Tya) In FE Vol. 3: 395,396,397, 619 (1989) |
Z.[izyphus] Sp.[ina] Christi | |
Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf., in FE Vol. 3: 395, 395 (1989) |
Rhamnaceae |
christ's thorn, crown of thorns (Eng) |
gaba, geba (Amh & Tya) in FE Vol. 3: 395, 395, 620 (1989) |
Zornia angustifolia |
Zornia cantoniensis Mohlenbr. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of ... Zornia angustifolia Sm. Synonym: ILDIS: Zornia gibbosa var. cantoniensis (Mohlenbr.) ( The species is not known from Ethiopia |
Fabaceae subsp. Papilionoideae |