In Abyssinia. Observations on Tigre







06.02.1862, Letter by G. W. Schimper, Adwa, to Bishop Samuel Gobat, Jerusalem. Spittler Privatarchiv PA 653, Staats-Archiv des Kantons Basel-Stadt, Switzerland.


Berlin, Geheimes Staatsarchiv:

Purchase of the collections of Wilhelm Schimper, 1868-1872:

Geheimes Staatsarchiv. Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Berlin. I. HA Rep. 76 Kultusministerium, VC Wissenschaftssachen Sekt 1 Tit. XII. Nr. 207.

HA Rep. 89 Geheimes Zivilkabinett, Jüngere Periode


Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin. Brandenburg Preußisches Hausarchiv, Rep. 51 König (Kaiser) Wilhelm I.


15.04.1868, Dr. Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schimper in Magdala to Graf Otto von Bismarck, Berlin. Printed in newspaper 15.6.1868, see entry for Bremen.

17.08.1868, Justus Olshausen / Adalbert Falk, Berlin, to Dr. Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

10.11.1868, Georg Wilhelm Schimper, Adoa, to Alexander Braun, Berlin.

22.12.1868, Dr. G.H.W. Schimper Freiherr von Furtenbach, Adoa, to Alexander Braun, Berlin.

29.12.1868, Gerhard Rohlfs, Tripolis in der Barbarei, to unnamed persons or institutions, Berlin, possibly to von Thile (see following letter).

20.01.1869, Justus Olshausen / Hermann von Thile, Berlin, to Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

09.03.1869, Justus Olshausen, Berlin, to Graf Otto von Bismarck, Berlin.

16.03.1869, Ernst Friedrich Gurlt, Director of Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. Printed article in Sitzungs-Bericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, listing the preserved specimens of animals sent by Schimper in 22 leather-wrapped parcels.

25.03.1869, Hermann von Thile, Berlin, to Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

28.03.1869, Hermann von Thile, Berlin, to Alexander Braun, Berlin.

07.04.1869, L. Bronn, Suez, to Otto von Bismarck, Berlin.

21.04.1869, Hermann von Thile, Berlin, to Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

27.04.1869, Alexander Braun, Gustav Rose, Heinrich Ernst Beyrich, Berlin to Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

30.04.1869, Wilhelm Peters, Berlin, to Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

10.05.1869, Alexander Braun, Berlin, to Otto von Bismarck, Berlin.

13.05.1869, Hermann von Thile, Berlin, to Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

20.05.1869, Adalbert Falk, Berlin, to August von der Heydt, Berlin.

30.05.1869, August von der Heydt, Berlin, to Heinrich von Mühler.

29.06.1869, Otto von Bismarck, August von der Heydt, Adalbert Falk, Berlin, to King Wilhelm II.

03.07.1869, King Wilhelm II., Schloß Babelsberg, Potsdam, to Otto von Bismarck, August von der Hedt, Adalbert Falk, Berlin.

19.07.1869, Adalbert Falk, Berlin, to August von der Heydt, Otto von Bismarck, Berlin.

20.07.1869, Justus Olshausen, Berlin, to Alexander Braun, Berlin.

27.07.1869, by order of August von der Heydt, Berlin, to Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

06.10.1871, Wilhelm Schimper, Adoa, to Heinrich von Mühler, Berlin.

22.03.1872, Hermann von Thile, Berlin, to Adalbert Falk, Berlin.

09.04.1872, Justus Olshausen, Berlin, to Gottfried Ludolf Camphausen, Berlin.

27.04.1872, Gottfried Ludolf Camphausen, Berlin, to Adalbert Falk, Berlin.

28.05.1872, Otto von Bismarck, Gottfried Ludolf Camphausen, Adalbert Falk to Emperor and King Wilhelm II, Berlin.

04.07.1872, Wilhelm II, Berlin, to Rudolf von Delbrück, on behalf of Otto von Bismarck, Gottfried Ludolf Camphausen, Adalbert Falk, Berlin.


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Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde:

The museum received 22 chests [called ‘Ledercolli’ by Schimper] with collections from Schimper in 1868, small stuffed animals, furs, rock samples. Reference: Zool. Mus, S II, Schimper, G.H.W., Blatt 1-18.


Berlin, Staatsbibliothek:

04.06.1834, letter by G. W. Schimper in Carlsruhe to Philipp Wilhelm Schimper. Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Handschriftenabteilung HS014651597. Sig. Darmstädter/Forschungsreisen/Afrika. 1836.


Without date, Note by or on Schimper, Varia. Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Handschriftenabteilung, HS01465156X. Darmstädter/Afrika/1836. Acc. 1938.18.


25.12.1855, letter by G. W. Schimper in Amba Sea to Theodor von Heuglin. Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Handschriftenabteilung HS014651597. Sig. Darmstädter/Forschungsreisen/Afrika. Acc. 1938.18




06.05.1860, Letter by G. W. Schimper, in Adwa, to Bernhard Gerhard, German Consul in Massawah. Stadtarchiv H III 3: 16 Vol.6.




Collection of manuscript letters by and about G. W. Schimper, Museum Schloss Schönebeck. Günter Bolte, Bremen.


09.03.1868, Alexander Braun, Berlin, to Otto von Bismarck, Berlin.

28.4.1868, Hermann von Thile, Berlin, to Gerhard Rohlfs, in the Royal Britannic headquarters, Abyssinia.

08.05.1868, Karl Albert Julius Hellmuth von Jasmund, Alexandria, to Gerhard Rohlfs, Zoola.

15.06.1868, printed ‘Dankschreiben des in Abessinien gefangenen deutschen Gelehrten Dr. Schimper an den Grafen von Bismarck.’ Letter by G. W. Schimper to Otto von Bismarck, written in Magdala on 15.4.1868, printed in Der Haussekretär, 15.6.1868; in it he mentions his geographical, geological and botanical research papers which he will send to Germany and wants von Bismarck to deposit them in the Natural History Museum, Berlin.

18.09.1871, Heinrich von Maltzan, Wiesbaden, to Gerhard Rohlfs.

23.09.1871,Gerhard Rohlfs, Weimar, to Heinrich von Maltzan.

12.05.1872, Wilhelm Koner, Berlin, to Gerhard Rohlfs.

31.05.1872, Adolf Kreidel, Karlsruhe, to Gerhard Rohlfs.

06.06.1872, Gerhard Rohlfs, Weimar, to Ludwig Krapf, Kornthal bei Stuttgart.

07.06.1872, Gerhard Rohlfs, Weimar, to Ludwig Kraof, Kornthal.

16.07.1872, Ludwig Krapf, Kornthal, to Gerhard Rohlfs.

22.07.1872, Gerhard Rohlfs, Weimar, to Georg August Schweinfurth.

24.07.1872, on behalf of Otto von Bismarck, Berlin, to Gerhard Rohlfs, Weimar.

27.07.1872, Ludwig Krapf, Kornthal, to Otto von Bismarck.

05.08.1872, Ludwig Krapf, Basel, to Gerhard Rohlfs.

16.08.1872, Ludwig Krapf, Kornthal, to Gerhard Rohlfs.





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30.06.1843, Letter by G. W. Schimper, from Amba Sea, to Hofrat Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert, in München.  University Library Ms. 2640. On fire arms, Catholicism, colony.



Karlsruhe (?):

23.05.1868, Letter/report by G. W. Schimper to Leopold I., Grand Duke of Baden. [Mentioned in Schimper’s article ‘Meine Gefangenschaft in Abessinien’, in Petermann’s geographische Mittheilungen, 1868, 294.]



London, British Library:

Map, profiles and appendices to ‘Observations on the Botany of Tigre’; n.d. Bound together with ‘The map of Begemder trigonometrically planned by Dr. Schimper. 1864/65’. London, British Library, Add Ms. 28506.


Observations on the Botany of Tigré’. 1868. London, British Library, Add Ms. 28505.


London, Kew Herbarium:

27.05.1862, letter by W. Schimper to W. J. Hooker, London, Kew Garden (in German). 337-338.


27.05.1862, letter by W. Schimper to Captain Charles Duncan Cameron, British consul in Ethiopia (in French). 339-3418.


27.05.1862, letter by Charles Duncan Cameron to Hooker. 70-71.

All three in London, Royal Botanical Society, Kew, Director’s Correspondence, vol. 60, African Letters, 1859-1865.


London, Natural History Museum:

1864/65, Profiles of mountain ranges in Ethiopia. On one large sheet 14 tables, long captions and entries for numbers for rock samples sent from Ethiopia, near identical to London, BL, Add Ms 28506, f. 17, with 15 Tables and numbers for rock samples. Special Col. Mss (63) Sch 1 Manuscript Shelves.




18.12.1875, letter by G. W. Schimper in Adoa to J.G. Cotta’sche Bunchhandlung/Stuttgart. Deutsches Literaturarchiv/Marbach,Neckar/Handschriftenabteilung.





27.3.1836, letter to Jacques Etienne Gay, from Cosseir, in Egypt. Germanisches Nationalmusum Nürnberg, VI. Reisende, Deutschland.



Paris, Jardin des Plantes, Botanical Library of the Museum:

April 1847, G. W. Schimper’s Treatise on treatment for tapeworm, written in Adwa.


June 1847, G. W. Schimper’s treatise on the climate in Ethiopia, ‘Einiges über klimatische Verhältnisse in Abyssinien’, written in Adwa.


16.07.1847, letter by G. W. Schimper in Adwa to Achille Richard [French botanist] in Paris, 46 rue d’Enfer, accompanying a parcel of ‘objects of natural history’.


Not dated, summer of 1852, Aide Mémoire, written by G. W. Schimper in ‘Debr’ Eski’ [=Däräsge Maryam] on rabies in general and on having been bitten by a dog and Schimper’s treatment and observations.]


1853-1854, Catalogue des plantes d’Abyssinie, envoyées au museum par M. Schimper, en 1853 et 1854. 18 pages, with a list of Latin names of plants numbering from 1 to 1730, some with questions marks, some crossed out and corrected.


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Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg Landesarchiv:

14.09.1831 – 21.04.1844, a large collection of papers (180) in connection with Georg Wilhelm Schimper and Dr. Anton Wiest, their requests for funds, their travel to Cairo, Wiest’s death and Schimper’s collection activity. Collections: E 70t Bü 208; E 40/59 Bü 104; E 200 Bü 449; E 14 Bü.  Included are nine autograph letters from G. W. Schimper:


07.03.1834, Schimper, Stuttgart, to Joseph Ignaz Beroldingen, Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg, 3 p. [Schimper refers to his audience with the King on 02.03.1834]; the King has agreed to finance Schimper’s equipment as companion of Dr. Wiest and to commission him with the King’s own requests concerning agriculture and horse breeding. Wiest and Schimper are commissioned by the Württembergische Reiseverein. They will travel to Trieste, Alexandria, Cairo, Suez, Sinai, Horeb, Bab el Mandeb. Requests letters of recommendation to the Egyptian government, Austria and England will also write letters for them to their respective consulates in Alexandria. The Austrian support is crucial, the consulate in Alexandria might be their main place of contact. The English support is crucial for the travels in Africa. The French customs officers in Marseille have destroyed Schimper’s precious collection in 1833. Requests a document to the Austrian government to allow the free and unhindered passage of Schimper’s scientific collection through Austrian customs offices in Trieste.


23.06.1834, Schimper, Stuttgart, to ‘Generalleutnant’. 1 p. Schimper requests forwarding of his letter to the King.


24.06.1834, Schimper, Stuttgart, to William I, King of Württemberg, 4 p. Thanks the King for financial support for Wiest and Schimper for their trip to Arabia. Their departure wa delayed as Schimper had to wait for funds from Karlsruhe. But Schimper used the time to work on the sketches he made in Algiers for the King. They are not works of art, but true to nature. His book on his work in Algiers will be sent to the King. Schimper has also seen to it to learn about horse breeding, Colonel [Sigmund?] von Gemmingen has given him instructions. Schimper promises to perform the King’s requests diligently.


20.08.1835, Schimper, Am Berge Sinai, to ‘Staatssecretaire’ [Christian Ludwig August von Vellnagel], Stuttgart, 8 p. Reports on the mishaps which he had experienced in the previous 12 months. Thanks him for his help after the shipwreck of Schimper and Wiest in Cephalonia. As the plague was in Alexandria, they moved to Cairo, where Wiest died. Due to the plague Schimper could not learn anything about horse breeding. The English Consul General in Cairo introduced Schimper to the Pasha who kindly gave him letters of recommendations. The audience lasted many hours, the Pasha Mohammed Ali stressed that he has done the greatest service to Egypt, he has changed the climate by planting trees. They had rain and no plague for ten years. But the last plague came from Smyrna and decimated half of Cairo, 75,000 people. The villages only have women and children, as men are forced into the army. Schimper’s view on Christians and Muslims. Describes the St Catherine monastery, where he has stayed for the last five months, describes the Arabs, their livelihood, food, transport, etc. Describes manna, the plant; describes Suez, will soon go down the Red Sea, then return and travel to the Lebanon. At present he is not well, work is just too much. Thanks for the recommendations to the authorities in Trieste, Gotthelf Kern, the royal Württemberg consul in Trieste was very obliging; requests Vellnagel to forward the enclosed letter of thanks to the King.


20.08.1835, Schimper, Am Berge Sinai, to William I, King of Württemberg, 4 p, end missing. Repeats his report to Vellnagel. Shipwreck in Cephalonia, death of Wiest in Cairo. Schimper could not fulfil his commission, to report on the agriculture and the peoples in Egypt. Left Cairo in March 1835, arrived in St. Catherine’s in April, living in his tent in the garden of the monastery. He made forays into the desert. He has collected plants and already sent them to Esslingen. Thanks the King for a further financial donation. Due to the plague there were no foodstuffs; the Arabs plundered the people; cholera also devastated many lives. Describes Mount Sinai. Thinks that people at the time of Moses and the magicians lived in a different context with nature and god. His botanical research was successful, but not agricultural investigations, the place is a desert. He will go to the coast of the Red Sea and then to visit the Druses of the Lebanon.


03.12.1836, Schimper, writing from Yamba, on the Red Sea, posting the letter in Jeddah on 10.12.1836, to ‘Staatsminister’ Christian Ludwig August von Vellnagel, 3 p. After reporting on completion of his work for the Reiseverein in 1835 he informed Vellnagel that he wanted to travel to the Lebanon to study horse breeding. But when in Suez he was told by the Reiseverein to go to Arabia Felix as King William I has sent another person to study horse breeding in the Lebanon. Schimper arrived in Jeddah in October 1835 and went on trips to the interior of the country as well as to Mecca and collected plants for the Reiseverein. In March 1836 he travelled to Upper Egypt, working until September 1836 as zoologist. Thanks to Daniel von Dumreicher, the Danish consul in Alexandria, Schimper could continue with his work, as von Dumreicher advanced him monies promised by the Reiseverein. Schimper could not send many notes on horse breeding to the director of the Royal stud, Colonel von Gemmingen. Schimper is on his way to Abyssinia, repeats the request by the Reiseverein and hopes to receive funds from the Ministry of the Interior. Schimper asked August von Hartman, Privy Councillor, to submit papers to von Vellnagel in preparation of von Vellnagel submitting Schimper’s letter to the King.


15.06.1840, Schimper, to Privy Councillor von Hartmann, Stuttgart, sent from Adoa on 08.07.1840, Schimper was ill and went to Massawah to return to Germany, but the climate was bad so that he returned to the high mountains of Northern Ethiopia. This enabled him to complete his botanical studies, the most complete collection of the Ethiopian flora up to a height of 14200 foot. As he cannot return for health reasons he wants to use his time to research the flora of the land of the sources of the Nile. Refers to financial difficulties. Refers to his letter to the King.


08.07.1840, Schimper, Adoa, to William I, King of Württemberg, 1 p. Requests financial help to enable him to visit the sources of the Nile to collect plants for the Reiseverein. He cannot travel in the low lying regions because of health reasons so that he cannot return to Egypt.


30.06.1843, Schimper, Amba Sea in Abyssinien [Schimper’s country estate], to William I, King of Württemberg, 3 p. Long story of how rich the country is, but how poor the people are. Duke Ubié [Webe Haylä Maryam] has unified many parts of the country and wishes to enter into friendly contacts with Germany. Stresses that the country is Christian and that Webe needs more weapons to complete his task of unifying the country. Schimper asks the King for the gift of a few hundred firearms for Webe and a number of firearms for Schimper’s private use. Schimper can thank the King only now as he has not had any post for three years. He could not travel to the sources of the Nile, asks for the King’s pardon.


Breakdown of monies received (in total 3200 f.) between 13.03.1834 and 24.12.1840. In E 14, Bü 1578, 39.


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Vienna, Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv:

15.01.1835 Staatskanzlei, K 47, Notes to the Hofkammer 1835, ‘wegen schonender Behandlung des von dem Dr. Wiest und Schimper eingesendeten,der Würtembergischen Regierung gehörigen naturhistorischen Gegenstände, während der Quarantaine in Triest’. (Request for careful storage of botanical specimens during the time of quarantine in Trieste.)


29.01.1835 Staatskanzlei, K 150, Notes from the Hofkammer 1834, X – 1835, III, order from Hofkammer to the administration in Trieste to take every care with the boxes sent from Alexandria whilst clearing customs; however, the Hofkammer cannot give orders to the quarantine authorities in Trieste.


12.01.1841, G. W. Schimper to Consul General of Austria, Anton Ritter von Laurin, in Alexandria. Staatskanzlei, Konsulate. Alexandrien 1817-1860.


24.01.1841, G. W. Schimper to Fanz Champion, Vice Consul of Austria in Cairo. Staatskanzlei, Konsulate. Alexandrien 1817-1860.


16.05.1841, Consul General of Austria, Anton Ritter von Laurin, in Alexandria to Staatskanzler Klemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich. Staatskanzlei, Konsulate. Alexandrien 1817-1860.


30.11.1843, Hofkammer Präsidial-Erlass. Karl Friedrich von Kübeck, to Consul General of Austria in Alexandria, Anton Ritter von Laurin.


HHStA, Staatskanzlei - K 171, Notes by the Hofkammer 1846 VII - 1847 IV on

‘Österr. Handelsunternehmung nach Ägypten und Abyssinien insbesondere nach Antitscho; Mitteilung von Dr. Schimper darunter ein Geschenk mit 200 Feuergewehren zu machen’ (‘Austrian commercial mission to Egypt and Abyssinia, in particular to Entitcho; Information from Dr. Schimper, request to make a gift of 200 firearms’.) Three letters:


19.03.1847, Hofkammer Präsidial-Erlass . Vienna, 1846, VII-1847, IV. Karton 171, folio 1448-1451. Kübeck to Metternich.


27.04.1847, Consul General in Alexandria, Anton Ritter von Laurin, to Staatskanzler Metternich. Staatskanzlei, Konsulate. Alexandrien 1817-1860.


18.09.1847, Consul General in Alexandria, Anton Ritter von Laurin, to Bartholomäus Graf von Stürmer, Internuntius in Constantinople and from him to Friedrich von Kübeck. Vienna, Staatskanzlei, Konsulate, K2, Alexandrien 1817-1860.


30.11.1860, Diplomatic correspondence from the Austrian Consulate, Cairo, no. 35/51 with the enclosure of a report by the Hamburg merchant Bernhard Gerhard and Wilhelm Schimper ’Kurzer Bericht über Abyssinien’, written in October 1860 in Alexandria. Administrative Registratur, Fach 8, Konsulate, Karton 31, Massauah. 35/51. Published by Rudolf Agstner, Von Kaisern und Konsuln. Addis Ababa: Austrian Embassy - Addis Ababa Occasional Papers, vol. 1, 2007, 5-15.



Without indication of place, for sale by the Auction House Hans Lugmair, 1060 Vienna, Linke Wienzeile 40, November 2013.

‘Kurze Nachricht über meine Reisen vom Merz 1835 bis Merz 1837… Adoa, 1837’. 28 folios, 15 illustrations in pencil, 2 in ink; one sheet with notes by Christian Friedrich Hochstetter.


18.02.1839, Wilh. Schimper in Halai [Ethiopia] to Dr. Steudel and Prof. Hochstetter [Esslingen].


18.04.1838, Copy of letter by G. W. Schimper in Adoa [the orginal was possibly sent to Reiseverein in Esslingen] to von Laurin [in Alexandria].


1839-1840, Copies of letters by and to Schimper by, among others, Anton von Laurin, Aidin Aga, governor of Massawa, Alexander Ogilvie, British Consul in Jeddah, Dr. Antoine Petit, French botanist and Negus Yohannes III.




Two Letters to G. W. Schimper published in Giustino de Jacobis, Scritti. 2. Epistolario. Roma: CLV – Edizioni Vincenziane, 2003.


1, Giustino de Jacobis, Immaculata College, Gwala, to G. W. Schimper, Amba Sea, Anticho. 18.10.1847. Original in French, in the published version translated into Italian. In the collection Lettres manuscrites, Paris: Generalate of the Congregation of Mission St. Vincent de Paul, vol. II-ACGR, 897-898. Polite request for accommodation for two Capuchin missionaries.


2, Giustino de Jacobis, mission station in Halay, to G. W. Schimper, without indication of location. 18.04.1858, Original in French, in the published version translated into Italian. In the collection Lettres manuscrites, Paris: Generalate of the Congregation of Mission St. Vincent de Paul, vol. II-ACGR, 1500-1503. Complains against Schimper’s comments against De Jacobis, airs his dismay about Schimper’s treatment of his wife and Schimper’s attendance, as a Catholic, at the public profession of his ‘coptic faith’ by Mr. M. N.


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Museum Humbold Universität, Mineraliensammlung, Berlin. 6 Gesteinsproben, von G. W. Schimper geschickt, 5 specimens quartz, between Amba Berra and Biel Ben, 1 specimen agate, Aksum. [Recte: Biet Bandälion]; n.d., with collections of 1868-1872.


Natural History Museum, London. Received in 1869, ‘British Museum Natural History Register of the Collection of Minerals’. 90 specimens, nos. 42917-43006, published by G. T. Prior, ‘Riebeckite in Trachytic Rocks from Abyssinia’, in Mineralogical Magazine, 1899, XII, 92-95; ibidem: ‘Aegirine and Riebeckite Anorthoclase Rocks’, in Mineralogical Magazine, London, 1900, 255-273






Georg Wilhelm Schimper:


Wilhelm Schimper’s Reise nach Algier in den Jahren 1831 und 1832. Herausgegeben von der Direktion des Würtembergischen naturhistorischen Reisevereins (Ch. F. Hochstetter and E. J. Steudel). Stuttgart: Verlag der J. B. Metzler’schen Buchhandlung, 1834.


‘Wilhelm Schimpers Reise von Adoa in Abyssinien an den Tacazé und in das Semengebirge, vom November 1839 bis Mai 1840’. Die Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung 1843, Supplement:

no. 33,  02.02.1843, 258-260.

no. 34,  03.02.1843, 265-267.

no. 35,  04.02.1843, 273-274.

no. 36,  05.02.1843, 281-282.

no. 272, 29.09.1843, 2125-2127.

no. 273, 30.09.1843, 2133-2134.


‘Bericht aus und über Abyssinien’, dated Amba Sea, November 1849. Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien: K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Jg. 1852, Heft 1-V, 1852, 227-239.


‘Meine Gefangenschaft in Abessinien’. Petermann’s geographische Mittheilungen, 14, Gotha, 1868, vol. 8, 294-298. [With list of hostages.]


‘Neues aus Abessinien’. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, Berlin: D. Reimer, 7, 1872, 270-272.


‘Miscellen. Nachrichten Dr. Schimper’s über die gegenwärtigen Zustände Abyssiniens’, to Vice Consul Gustav Brüning, in Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, Berlin: D. Reimer, 7, 1872, 364-366.


‘Mittheilungen aus einem Briefe Dr. W. Schimper’s an Herrn J. B. Batka in Prag’, in Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, Berlin: D. Reimer, 7, 1872, 484-486.


‘Die geologischen und physikalischen Verhältnisse des Districts Arrho und der Salzhandel in Abyssinien’, written in Adwa, March 1875. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, Berlin: D. Reimer, 1877, vol. 12, 109-116.





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Charles Tilson Beke, A Diary Written During a Journey to Abyssinia, 1843. [The manuscript diary is kept in The British Library, Add Ms 30249, it features a description of Beke meeting Schimper and attending his wedding in Adwa.]


Annie Betts, Tony Betts, A Princess in the Famiily: the Story of Georg Wilhelm Schimper and his Descendants from 1804 to 1968, Burgess Hill: Domtom Publishing Ltd., 2010.


Gerald Colloseus, Ein österreichisches Schicksal? Analyse von Kolonialprojekten am Beispiel der Mission Tegetthoffs und Heuglins ins Rote Meer 1857/58, MA Dissertation. Vienna, University of Vienna, 2008.


Jacques de Coursac, Une page de l’histoire d’Éthiopie.Le Règne de Yohannès depuis son avenèment jusqu’à ses victoires de 1875 sur l’armée égyptienne. D’après les papiers de M. E. de Sarzec, Vice-consul de France à Massaouah, Paris: Romans, 1926. [The book is a descriptions of Schimper’s works as translator/letter writer for Yohannes IV, descriptions of his family life and his daughter.]


Georg Cufodontis, ‘Wilhelm Georg Schimper, ein Pionier der botanischen Erforschung Äthiopiens’. Phyton. Annales Rei Botanicae. Horn: Ferdinand Berger & Sohn, 1951, vol. 3, 84-87.


Jan Bevington Gillet, ‘W. G. Schimper’s Botanical Collecting Localities in Ethiopia’. Kew Bulletin, 27, 1, 1972, 115-128.


Alexandre Girard, Souvenirs d’un voyage en Abyssinie (1868-1869), Le Caire: Librarie Nouvelle Ebner & Cie., 1873.


Hans Götz, Kindheit und Jugend der Brüder Karl und Wilhelm Schimper,  and Karl Friedrich Schimpers Heidelberger Zeit.  Schwetzingen: Schriften des Stadtarchivs Nr. 13, 1980.


Hans Götz, Georg Wilhelm Schimper, der Abessinier, Auszüge aus dem Schimperschen Nachlaß, Schwetzingen: Schriften des Stadtarchivs Nr. 14, 1990.


Gerd Gräber, ‘Auf Spurensuche im Semiengebirge’, in Kirche und Schule in Äthiopien. Mitteilungen der Tabor Society e.V.. Heidelberg, Heft 50 / Dezember 1997, 13-25.


Gerd Gräber, ‘Unterwegs in Abessinien. Das Photoalbum der Royal Engineers und die britische Magdala-Expedition im Jahre 1867/68’. Bodo von Dewitz and Roland Scotti (Hsrg), Alles Wahrheit! Alle Lüge! Photographie und Wirklichkeit im 19. Jh. Die Sammlung Robert Lebeck. Eine Ausstellung des Agfa-Foto-Historama. Köln, 1997, 241-255.


Gerd Gräber, ‘Die befreiten Geiseln Kaiser Tewodros’ II. Aus dem Photoalbum der Royal engineers 1867/68’, in Aethiopica. International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2, 1999, 159-12.


Gerd Gräber, ‘Georg Wilhelm Schimpers abessinische Zeit (1837-1878), Zum 120. Todesjahr (Oktober 1998) des Mannheimer Äthiopienforschers und Ehrenmitglieds des Vereins für Naturkunde Mannheim E.V.’; Verein für Naturkunde Mannheim E.V./ Mannheim, Heft 6, 1999, 47-68.


Gerd Gräber’s entry in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, ed. by S. Uhlig et al, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010, vol. 4, 573-575.


Ernst Julius Gurlt, ‘Sitzungs-Bericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin am 16. März 1869’. Mitteilung von W. Peters, ‘dass die naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen, welche Hr. Dr. Schimper in Abyssinien nach seiner Befreiung aus der Gefangenschaft geschenkt hat, in 22 Ledercollis vortrefflich erhalten, angelangt seien und berichtete über den zoologischen Teil’. Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, 1869, 7-8.


Giustino de Jacobis, Scritti, vol. 1: Diario. Roma: CLV-Edizioni Vincenziane, 2000. Vol. 2: Epistolario, Roma: CLV-Edizioni Vincenziane, 2003.


Olov Hedberg, Ib Friis, Eva Persson (eds.), Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea, vol. 8, Addis Ababa: National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University and Upsala, Sweden, 2009.


Elizabeth Herbert, Abyssinia and its Apostle, London: Burns, Oates & Co., 1867.


Theodor von Heuglin, Reisen in Nord-Ost-Afrika … Tagebuch einer Reise von Chartum nach Abyssinien, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Zoologie und Geographie unternommen in dem Jahre 1852-53. Gotha: Verlag von Justus Perthes, 1857.


Theodor von Heuglin, ’Nachrichten über die jetzigen Zustände in Abessinien’. Petermanns Geographische Mittheilungen, Gotha: Verlag Justus Perthes, 1867, vol. 7, 173.


Theodor von Heuglin, Reise nach Abessinien, den Gala-Ländern, Ost-Sudan und Chartum in 1861 und 1862, Jena: Hermann Costenoble, 1868.


Christian Gottlieb Ferdinand Ritter von Hochstetter, Ernst Gottlieb von Steudel, ‘Information respecting Botanical Travellers. Unio Itineraria. Particulars respecting M. Schimper’s Abyssinian Journey’. Esslingen, near Stuttgart, Jan. 1838. Annals of Natural History; or, Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology, ed. by W. Jardine, P. J. Selby, Dr. Johnston, William Jackson Hooker, Richard Taylor. London, vol. 2, 1839, 57-60.


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Rainer Loose, ‘Passion und Profession: der Esslinger Oberamtsarzt und Botaniker Ernst Gottlieb (von) Steudel (1783-1856)’. Esslinger Studien, ed. by Joachim J. Halbkann, vol. 45, 2006, 82-140.


Mannheimer Unterhaltungsblatt, Beilage zum Mannheimer Journal. ‘Vermischte Nachrichten’, No. 13,  note about G. W. Schimper, reprint from Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, of December 1855, no. 365.

Reply by G. W. Schimper’s brother Dr. Karl Friedrich Schimper, Schwetzingen, 23.2.1856.


Dorothea McEwan, ‘A short biography and appraisal of Georg Wilhelm Schimper’. Typescript. Kew, Herbarium, August 2008.


Dorothea McEwan, ‘Botanist and Explorer, Geologist and Mapmaker in Northern Ethiopia 1837 to 1878’, Wolbert G. C. Smidt and Sophia Thubauville (eds.), Cultural Research in Northeastern Africa – German Histories and Stories. Special issue of ITYOPIS, Northeast African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Publication of the Frobenius Institut. Frankfurt, 2015, 79-103.


Dorothea McEwan, ‘An Evaluation of Georg Wilhelm Schimper’s Botanical, Topographical and Mineralogical Research Papers of Tigray’, in Orbis Aethiopicus, Beiträge zur Geschichte, Religion und Kunst Äthiopiens. Band XII: Äthiopische Kulturgeschichte von Aksum bis zum Vorabend des dritten Milleniums. Hsg. von Walter Raunig und Prinz Asfa-Wossen Asserate. Dettelbach 2013, 55-84. ISBN 978-3-89754-433-8.


Dorothea McEwan, ‘Georg Wilhelm Schimpers „Aide mémoire“ über Tollwut’. Orbis Aethiopicus, Beiträge zur Geschichte, Religion und Kunst Äthiopiens. Walter Raunig und Prinz Asfa-Wossen Asserate (Hsg.), Band XV, Dettelbach: J. H. Röll, 2016, 105-110. ISBN: 978-3-89754-480-2.


Dorothea McEwan (2018), Eduard Zander, sein Leben und Wirken in Äthiopien, 1847-1868. Eduard Zander, His Life and Work in Ethiopia, 1847-1868. Werkverzeichnis / Catalogue Raisonné. Dessau-Roßlau: Veröffentlichungen des Stadtarchivs Dessau-Roßlau Stadtarchiv, Band 23. ISBN 978-3-947825-02-8. ISSN 1863-4702.


Dorothea McEwan, ‘Georg Wilhelm Schimper (1804-1878). Maps and cross-sectional profiles of Tigray, the Semen Mountains and the Märäb and Täkkäze regions of Ethiopa’. Journal of the International Map Collectors’ Society ( IMCoS), London, June 2020 edition, 7-17.


Dorothea McEwan, ‘On How to Obtain Guns for Ethopia. The attempts by the Botanist Georg Wilhelm Schimper in the 1840s and early 1850s’, Annales d’Éthiopie, 2022, 34, 323–342.


Richard F. von Neimans and Wilhelm Schimper, ‘Über die politischen Zustände Abessiniens. Ausland, 31, Stuttgart und Augsburg: Verlag der J. G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung, 1858, 877-880.


George T. Prior, ‘Ægirine and Riebeckite Anorthoclase Rocks Related to the “Grorudite-Tinguaite” Series, from the Neighbourhood of Adowa and Axum, Abyssinia’, Mineralogical Magazine, London, 1900, vol. 12, 255-273 (with Schimper’s mountain profiles).


Albert Rodatz, ‘Auszug aus dem Tagebuch des Capitän Alb. Rodatz, Schiff ‘Alf’, betreffend einen Besuch von Massowah aus bei Dr. Schimper im Inneren von Abessinien, und Weiterreise von Massoah bis zur Umschiffung des Cap Guardafui’ . Das Ausland. Ein Tagblatt für Kunde des geistigen und sittlichen Lebens der Völker, Stuttgart und Augsburg, 1846, vol. 19, 127-128, 131-132, 136, 139-140, 143-144, 147-148, 151-152, 159-160, 163- 164, 168, 171-172, 175-176, 180, 183- 184.


Gerhard Rohlfs, Land und Volk in Afrika. Berichte aus den Jahren 1865-1870, Bremen: Verlag von J. Kühtmanns Buchhandlung, 1870.


Gerhard Rohlfs, ‘Ergebnisse meiner Reise nach Abessinien; Bemerkungen zur Karte’. Petermann’s geogr. Mittheilungen, vol. 28, 1882, 401-405, with Schimper’s map of Adwa and Aksum.


Gerhard Rohlfs, Meine Mission nach Abessinien: auf Befehl Sr. Maj.des Deutschen Kaisers im Winter 1880/81 unternommen; mit zwanzig Separatbildern und einer Karte. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1883.


Alexander Sadebeck, ‘Geognostische Skizze der Umgebung von Axum und Adoa in Tigre’, nach den Aufnahmen von W. Schimper, bearbeitet von A. Sadebeck, mit einem Nachwort von Richard Kiepert. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, zu Berlin, 1869, Tafel IV and V, 347-352.


Ernst Gottlieb von Steudel, Original-Aufsätze. Ueber die Arten von Cyperus, Mariscus und Kyllingia, welche in der zweiten Sendung von Pflanzen aus Abyssinien von dem Reisenden des Vereins Hrn. W. Schimper enthalten sind; von Oberamtsarzt Dr. Steudel in Esslingen. Flora oder botanische Zeitung: welche Recensionen, Abhandlungen, Aufsätze, Neuigkeiten und Nachrichten, die Botanik betreffend, enthält, hsg. von der königl. Botanischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg. 1. Teil: Nr. 37, 7. Okt. 1842, 577-585; 2. Teil: Nr. 38, 14. Okt. 1842, 593-605.


George-Emile Strohl, (military pharmacist), ‘Deux nouveaux medicaments tènifuges: le saoria et le tatzé’. Gazette Hebdomadaire, Paris, 25.8.1854, 784.


Wolbert Smidt, ‘”Annäherung Deutschlands und Aethiopiens”: Unbekannte Briefe des Kaisers Menelik II. und seines Gesandten 1907-08’. Stefan Brüne and Heinrich Scholler (eds.), Auf dem Weg zum modernen Äthiopien. Festschrift für Bairu Tafla. Münster : LIT. Recht und Politik in Afrika, vol. 3, 2005, 197-224.


Wolbert Smidt, Äthiopien und Deutschland, 100 Jahre diplomatische Beziehungen. Addis Abeba: Goethe-Institut Addis Abeba – Deutsche Botschaft Addis Abeba, 2005.


Wolbert Smidt, ‘Die äthiopischen und eritreischen Mittler‘. Steffen Wenig in collaboration with W. Smidt, Kerstin Volker-Saad and Burkhard Vogt: In kaiserlichem Auftrag: Die Deutsche Aksum-Expedition 1906 unter Enno Littmann. Aichwald: Verlag Lindensoft, 2006. Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen [FAAK], vol. 3.1, 145-157.


Arno Wörz, ‘The "Botanische Reiseverein" - A 19th century joint-stock company for the collecting of herbarium specimens‘, Huntia, 13, 2, 2007, 121-141.










Heinrich Anton De Bary, Obituary, Botanische Zeitung, Halle, 11.4.1879, 239.


Unknown, Obituary, Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Paris, 1879, vol. 26, 91.


Adrien Raffeneau-Delile, ‘Note sur quelques plantes nouvelles d'Abyssinie’, in  Annales des sciences naturelles comprenant la zoologie, la botanique, l'anatomie et la physiologie comparées des deux régnes, et l'historie des corps organisés fossils. Rédigées pour la zoologie par M. Milne-Edwards, et pour la botanique par MM. Ad. Brongniart et J. Decaisne. Seconde série. 1843, vol. 20, Botanique, Paris, 88.

Bairu Tafla, Ethiopia and Austria: A History of Their Relations. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994.


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